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[英]How to configure reports at Jenkins?

I am new at Jenkins. 我是詹金斯的新手。 I want to configure my Jenkins to present some pretty UI reports after my tests are run. 我想将我的Jenkins配置为在运行测试后呈现一些漂亮的UI报告。 I installed the HTML publisher plugin. 我安装了HTML Publisher插件。 Now I have to fill the following information: 现在,我必须填写以下信息:

html directory to archive 
index pages 
report title

What information I need to give here? 我需要在这里提供什么信息? I gave the path of a directory "Reports" in "html directory to archive ". 我在“要归档的html目录”中给出了目录“ Reports”的路径。 But now after the build is run, the HTML report link gives error: HTTP ERROR 404. Reason: not found What path do I need to give in archive field. 但是现在运行构建后,HTML报告链接给出了错误:HTTP错误404。原因:找不到我需要在归档字段中给出什么路径。 If there is a file to be created, then how to create a file/folder at Jenkins 如果有要创建的文件,那么如何在詹金斯创建文件/文件夹

If you're using one of the popular test suites supported by the xUnit plugin ( https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/xUnit+Plugin ), then you can feed your test output reports to the plugin and produce a fancy page that will display all kinds of information about your results. 如果您使用的是xUnit插件支持的一种流行的测试套件( https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/xUnit+Plugin ),则可以将测试输出报告提供给该插件并生成一个精美的页面,该页面将显示有关结果的各种信息。

You can also define your own style sheets using something like the WebUI plugin ( https://github.com/versionone/webui-plugin ) if you want to customize the way the test output page looks. 如果要自定义测试输出页面的外观,还可以使用类似WebUI插件( https://github.com/versionone/webui-plugin )的样式表来定义自己的样式表。

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