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如何在没有Facebook Kit的情况下在OSX应用程序内的Facebook上共享?

[英]how to share on facebook within OSX app, without facebook Kit?

I'm looking for way to use Accounts information if they configured in OS X, to post to Facebook, without using facebook kit. 我正在寻找一种方法来使用帐户信息(如果在OS X中对其进行了配置),而无需使用Facebook套件即可发布到Facebook。

I found Social framework but all examples are related to iOS, my App instead should post message from OS X. 我找到了社交框架,但是所有示例都与iOS有关,而我的App应该发布来自OS X的消息。

Using accounts is a good way to go, here's what I did: 使用帐户是一种不错的方式,这是我所做的:

    import Accounts

    static func post(text:String,completion:(Bool->Void)) {

        let accountStore = ACAccountStore()
        let accountType = accountStore.accountTypeWithAccountTypeIdentifier(ACAccountTypeIdentifierFacebook)

        let options : [String:AnyObject] = [
            "ACFacebookAppIdKey": "your app key here, from Facebook apps",
            "ACFacebookPermissionsKey": ["publish_actions", "manage_pages", "publish_pages"],
            "ACFacebookAudienceKey": "ACFacebookAudienceEveryone"
        accountStore.requestAccessToAccountsWithType(accountType, options: options) {
            granted, error in

            if granted {
                let fbAccounts = accountStore.accountsWithAccountType(accountType)

                if fbAccounts != nil {
                } else {
                    print("no accounts")

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