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[英]Nothing writing to file in python?

Here is my code so far: 到目前为止,这是我的代码:

import flickrapi
import osmapi
import geopy
from geopy.geocoders import Nominatim
from time import sleep

api_key = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
secret_api_key = "xxxxxxxx"
flickr = flickrapi.FlickrAPI(api_key, secret_api_key)

def obtainImages3():

    file = open('citylist.txt', 'r')
    file2  = open('obtainedImages.txt', 'a+')

    for line in file:

        fields = line.strip().split()
        city = fields[1]

        group_list = flickr.groups.search (api_key=api_key, text = city, per_page = 100)

        for group in group_list[0]:

            group_images = flickr.groups.pools.getPhotos (api_key=api_key, group_id = group.attrib['nsid'], has_geo = 1, extras = 'geo, tags, url_q')

            for image in group_images[0]:

                    photo_location = flickr.photos_geo_getLocation(photo_id=image.attrib['id'])
                    lat = float(photo_location[0][0].attrib['latitude'])
                    lon = float(photo_location[0][0].attrib['longitude'])

                    id = str(image.attrib['id'])
                    url = str(image.attrib['url_q'])

                    geolocator = Nominatim()
                    location = geolocator.reverse("{}, {}".format(lat, lon))
                    dict = location.raw
                    osmid = dict.get('osm_id', 'default_value_if_null_here')
                    osmtype = dict.get('osm_type', 'default_value_if_null_here')
                    osmaddress = dict.get('display_name', 'default_value_if_null_here')


                    if(osmtype == 'node'):
                        print id
                        print url
                        print osmaddress

                        file2.write("%s" % id)
                        file2.write(' ')
                        file2.write("%s" % url)
                        file2.write(' ')
                        file2.write("%s" % lat)
                        file2.write(' ')
                        file2.write("%s" % lon)
                        file2.write(' ')
                        file2.write("%s" % osmaddress)

            except Exception:


The code is running fine without any errors and my print statements are working fine. 代码运行正常,没有任何错误,我的打印语句运行正常。 However nothing is being written to the file. 但是,没有任何内容被写入文件。 I have used the same method for writing to a file in a very similar program and it worked perfectly but here it is not working. 我已经使用了相同的方法在非常相似的程序中写入文件,并且效果很好,但是在这里却无法正常工作。 Can anyone suggest why this might be? 任何人都可以建议为什么会这样吗? Thank you!! 谢谢!!

I think the file.close() function should go into the function node, because it is in a buffer. 我认为file.close()函数应该进入函数节点,因为它位于缓冲区中。 or, remove the "except Exception:" method, and see what you got. 或者,删除“ except Exception:”方法,然后看看得到了什么。

Clearly, the file write is throwing an exception. 显然,文件写入将引发异常。 In your code, you are ignoring the exception. 在您的代码中,您将忽略该异常。 Change the except statement to: 将except语句更改为:

except Exception as e:
    print e

and you will see the error. 您将看到错误。 It probably cannot open the file. 它可能无法打开文件。

Adding this so I can get credit for answer that was in comment. 添加此内容,这样我就可以对评论中的答案表示赞赏。

Try adding file2.flush() after the file2.write('\\n') 尝试在file2.write('\\n')之后添加file2.flush() file2.write('\\n')

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