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[英]Swift: Array of base class does not call subclass function implementation

I'm trying to inject a fake instance into a unit test for a class depending on SimplePing, a NSObject subclass. 我正在尝试根据NSObject子类SimplePing将虚假实例注入到类的单元测试中。 My class has a property var simplePings: [SimplePing] which in my unit test I set as an array of FakeSimplePing. 我的课有一个属性var simplePings: [SimplePing] ,在我的单元测试中,我将其设置为FakeSimplePing数组。 However, when the class goes in the array and calls simplePing.start() , it calls the SimplePing.start implementation instead of FakeSimplePing's, even though when I debug I see that the instance type is FakeSimplePing. 但是,当类进入数组并调用simplePing.start() ,它会调用SimplePing.start实现而不是FakeSimplePing的实现,即使在调试时我看到实例类型是FakeSimplePing。

When the property is just a single SimplePing, the unit test uses the FakeSimplePing.start and the test passes. 当属性只是单个SimplePing时,单元测试将使用FakeSimplePing.start并通过测试。 Does this have something to do with Swift and arrays of superclasses? 这与Swift和超类数组有关吗?

class Pinger : NSObject {
   private var simplePings: [SimplePing] = []

   func pingLocation(location: Location) -> Signal<Double, NoError> {
       let simplePings = location.serverIPs.map { (serverIP: String) -> SimplePing in
           let simplePing = SimplePing(hostName: serverIP)
           simplePing?.delegate = self
           return simplePing
       simplePings.forEach { $0.start() }

       return signal

   func configureDependencies(simplePings: [SimplePing]) {
       if self.simplePings.isEmpty {
           self.simplePings = simplePings

class FakeSimplePing: SimplePing {
    var receivedStart = false
    var receivedSendPingWithData = false
    var fakeHostName: String!
    override var hostName: String {
        return fakeHostName

    convenience init(hostName: String) {
        fakeHostName = hostName

    override func start() {
        // This does not get called
        receivedStart = true
        delegate?.simplePing?(self, didStartWithAddress: nil)
        delegate?.simplePing?(self, didReceivePingResponsePacket: nil)

    override func sendPingWithData(data: NSData!) {
        receivedSendPingWithData = true

And the failing test: 和失败的测试:

            beforeEach {
                fakeSimplePing = FakeSimplePing(hostName: serverIP)
                fakeSimplePing.delegate = pinger

            it("pings server with data") {


The problem (I believe...) is in the naming in pingLocation 问题(我相信...)是在pingLocation中命名

in the line 在行中

let simplePings = location.serverIPs.map { .... 

you use the same name as of your property 您使用与财产相同的名称

private var simplePings: [SimplePing] = []

so you may think you're defining a new variable with the let , but actually, you may just use your property and change it on the way, so it got changed to SimplePing array, as it returns from the map 因此您可能会认为您正在使用let定义一个新变量,但实际上,您可能只是使用您的属性并在途中对其进行了更改,因此它从地图返回时更改为SimplePing数组。

try to change your method into: 尝试将您的方法更改为:

func pingLocation(location: Location) -> Signal<Double, NoError> {
       let tempSimplePings = location.serverIPs.map { (serverIP: String) -> SimplePing in
           let simplePing = SimplePing(hostName: serverIP)
           simplePing?.delegate = self
           return simplePing
       simplePings.forEach { $0.start() }

       return signal

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