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[英]Order of Execution of Condition in a Where clause

I have the following statement with an Or condition. 我有一个带有或条件的以下语句。 I am looking what would be the result when both conditions are true. 我正在寻找两个条件都成立时的结果。

 var result = db.Result.FirstOrDefault(x=>(x.ID==50||x.ID==60)&&x.Name="XYZ");

In a case where I have a row in the result table where both the conditions are true, ie; 在结果表中有两个条件都成立的情况下,即; x.ID=50 and x.ID=60 . x.ID=50x.ID=60 What would be the result of the query? 查询的结果是什么?

I have already tested to get the result in a test environment. 我已经测试过,可以在测试环境中得到结果。 But I wanted to make sure that the order of execution would always remain the same no matter what the size of the database is. 但是我想确保无论数据库大小如何,执行顺序都将始终保持不变。 As I have read that the where clause uses some sort of indexing for faster retrieval, what would be the course of execution of this statement. 如我所读,where子句使用某种索引来加快检索速度,这条语句的执行过程将是什么。

The provided query is just a sample and the name ID has nothing to do with the unique identified of a table. 提供的查询只是一个示例,名称ID与表的唯一标识无关。


How would the check be performed on the database? 如何在数据库上执行检查? I would expect a result where it first checks if ID ==50 and on failure check if ID==60 . 我希望得到的结果是,它首先检查ID ==50并在失败时检查ID==60 If this is my expected result, would the query given above achieve my task? 如果这是我的预期结果,上面给出的查询是否可以完成我的任务?

Update after answer 回答后更新

I find it necessary to give a more clearer example so that the question is more understandable. 我认为有必要举一个更清晰的例子,以便使问题更容易理解。 (If this update makes the existing answers invalid, I am really sorry) (如果此更新使现有答案无效,对不起)

 var result = db.result.firstordefault(x=>(x.foreignkeyid == someval|| foreignkeyid == 123)&& x.Name=="XYZ");

And my database sample 还有我的数据库样本

ID  foreignkeyid    Name
1      123          XYZ
2    somevalue      XYZ
3    anothervalue   XYZ

In this case when the query is executed the result would return the row with ID==1 , but I want row wiht ID==2 to be returned. 在这种情况下,执行查询时,结果将返回ID==1的行,但我希望返回ID==2行。

Worst case attempt to achieve the result 最坏的情况下尝试达到结果

 var result = new Result();
 result =db.Result.firstordefault(x=>x.ID==somevalue&&x.name==xyz);
     var result = db.firstordefault(x=>x.ID ==123&& x.name==xyz);

Given this example of yours: 给出您的以下示例:

var result = db.result.firstordefault(x=>(x.foreignkeyid == someval|| foreignkeyid == 123)&& x.Name=="XYZ");

In which you want to prioritize the result where fk = someval (fk: foreign key), you can do the following: 要在其中优先排序fk = someval (fk:外键)的结果,可以执行以下操作:

db.set.OrderBy(x => x != someval) // false actually comes before true
      .ThenBy(x => x != val2ndPriority)
      .FirstOrDefault(x => (x.fk == someval ||
                            x.fk == val2ndPriority ||
                            x.fk == leastPriorityVal) &&
                           x.Name == "XYZ");

If you have a lot of "prioritized fk values", or if they are unknown at compile time, you can do: 如果您有很多“优先fk值”,或者在编译时未知,则可以执行以下操作:

var orderedEnum = db.set.OrderBy(x => x.Id);
foreach (var fk in fksByPriority)
    orderedEnum = orderedEnum.ThenBy(x => x != fk);
var result = orderedEnum.FirstOrDefault(x => fksByPriority.Contains(x.fk) &&
                                             x.Name == "XYZ");

How I would prefer it to look like: 我希望它看起来像:

Another different approach would be to get all possibly-relevant records and then run similar logic outside of the DB (your db Linq queries normally run smartly right inside the db): 另一种不同的方法是获取所有可能相关的记录,然后在数据库外部运行类似的逻辑(您的数据库Linq查询通常在数据库内部正常运行):

var results = db.set.Where(x => x.Name == "XYZ" &&
var highestPriorityResult =
    results.OrderBy(x => fksByPriority.IndexOf(x.fk)).FirstOrDefault();

On a final note, I wish to say that your problem indicates a possibly flawed design. 最后,我想说您的问题表明设计可能存在缺陷。 I can't imagine why you'd have this filtering-with-priority-foreign-key issue. 我无法想象为什么会有这个优先级过滤的外键问题。

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