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多层在weblogic服务器JNDI Lookup中意味着什么

[英]What does multitier means in weblogic server JNDI Lookup

I was checking InitialContext object and properties that are need for JNDI lookup. 我正在检查JNDI查找所需的InitialContext对象和属性。 One of the property which is required for InitialContext is INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY for environment, for weblogic server its value is weblogic.jndi.WLInitialContextFactory . InitialContext所需的属性之一是环境的INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY ,对于weblogic服务器,其值为weblogic.jndi.WLInitialContextFactory

In the documentation of weblogic.jndi.WLInitialContextFactory it is said: weblogic.jndi.WLInitialContextFactory文档中,它被说成:

weblogic.jndi.WLInitialContextFactory can also be used to create a multitier connection to another naming service through a WebLogic Server. weblogic.jndi.WLInitialContextFactory还可用于通过WebLogic Server创建与另一个命名服务的多层连接

I did not understand the meaning of multitier connection. 我不明白多层连接的含义。 Can someone elaborate what exactly it means? 有人可以详细说明它究竟意味着什么吗?

Two-tier connections are when the client loads the connection driver into the same JVM and that driver communicates directly with the resource. 两层连接是指客户端将连接驱动程序加载到同一JVM中,并且该驱动程序直接与资源通信。

Multitier connections are when WebLogic loads a driver into its JVM. 多层连接是WebLogic将驱动程序加载到其JVM中的时候。 The client communicates with WebLogic. 客户端与WebLogic通信。 WebLogic communicates with the resource. WebLogic与资源通信。 (There could be additional steps inbetween.) (中间可能还有其他步骤。)

To use a database connection as an example, this is useful because your client doesn't need to have the native libraries for the database and you can allow WebLogic to manage particulars like connection pooling, keep alive, and stale connection disposal, or load balancing and failover. 以数据库连接为例,这很有用,因为您的客户端不需要拥有数据库的本机库,您可以允许WebLogic管理连接池,保持活动和过时连接处理或负载平衡等细节。和故障转移。

It also allows you to configure details such as the remote machine name, user name, and password in WebLogic while your code only needs to know the JNDI name. 它还允许您在WebLogic中配置远程计算机名称,用户名和密码等详细信息,而您的代码只需要知道JNDI名称。

This should be saying that WebLogic supports remote naming services for you in a way that's similar to how you might set up a JNDI name for a JDBC connection, message queue/JMS, or other remote service. 这应该说WebLogic支持远程命名服务,其方式类似于为JDBC连接,消息队列/ JMS或其他远程服务设置JNDI名称的方式。

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