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[英]Find records with multiple foreign key values in Rails

I've got two models User and Post where a :user has_many :posts 我有两个模型UserPost ,其中a :user has_many :posts

How do I find a list of users who have more than n posts? 如何找到超过n个帖子的用户列表?

I'm looking for a simple statement like where rather than something to do with using scopes. 我正在寻找一个简单的声明where而不是使用范围。

The where query does not allow aggregate functions like count inside it, the ideal method to tackle this problem is using the having method. where查询不允许聚合函数如count在其中,解决此问题的理想方法是使用having方法。

User.joins(:posts).group('users.id').having('COUNT(*) >= ?', n)

This will be mapped to 这将映射到

SELECT "users".* FROM "users" INNER JOIN "posts" ON "posts"."user_id" = "users"."id" GROUP BY users.id HAVING COUNT(*) >= n

There is another method possible which is more easier, by using counter cache inside the Post Model and keeping the count as a posts_count column on the user table. 通过在Post Model中使用计数器缓存并将计数保持为用户表上的posts_count列,可以更方便地使用另一种方法。

belongs_to :user, counter_cache:true 
User.where('posts_count > ?', n)

But I prefer the first method as it does not involve any DB changes and is pretty straight forward 但我更喜欢第一种方法,因为它不涉及任何数据库更改,而且非常简单

User.join(:posts).group('users.id').having('count(user_id) > n')

Another way of solving this is to use counter_cache and add a posts_count column on the user table. 另一种解决方法是使用counter_cache并在user表上添加posts_count列。

belongs_to :user, counter_cache:true # Inside the Post model

Then you can do 那你可以做

User.where('posts_count > ?', n)

Let try this: 试试这个:

User.where('id IN (SELECT user_id 
                   FROM posts
                   GROUP BY user_id
                   HAVING COUNT(*) > ?
                  )', n)

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