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[英]C# Call Generic method from Generic method

How I can do something like this? 我该怎么做? I have found How do I use reflection to call a generic method? 我发现了如何使用反射来调用泛型方法? but not sure that this is my case. 但不确定这是我的情况。

public class XmlSerializer 
    public string Serialize<T>(T obj) where T : class
        return string.Empty;

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)

    public static void MakeRequst<T>(T myObject)
        var XmlSerializer = new XmlSerializer();

Generic method, that calls another generic method, can't be less constrained, than the method being called: 泛型方法,它调用了另一个泛型方法,其约束比被调用的方法要少:

public class Foo
    public void Bar1<T>() where T : class {}
    public void Bar2<T>() where T : class
        Bar1<T>(); // same constraints, it's OK

    public void Bar3<T>() where T : class, ISomeInterface
        Bar1<T>(); // more constraints, it's OK too

    public void Bar4<T>()
        Bar1<T>(); // less constraints, error

Here Bar4 method breaks Bar1 constraints, because it allows you to pass value type as generic argument, but this is not allowed for Bar1 method. 这里Bar4方法打破Bar1的约束,因为它允许你传递值类型为通用的说法,但这是不允许的Bar1方法。

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