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[英]antlr4 grammar - Mismatched input error

I have a very simple grammar here: 我在这里有一个非常简单的语法:

grammar mygrammar;
prog  : E 'arrow' ('and' E PATTERN) ;
PATTERN : ( BPATTERN | ('and' PATTERN)+ | ('or' PATTERN)+ ) ;
BPATTERN : ( L | P ('and' E PATTERN) ) ;
L : ( E | 'not' E | U | 'not' U ) ;
P : 'p' ;
U : 'u' ;
E : 'e' ;
WS : [ \t\r\n]+ -> skip ;

All the input strings I parse, the error is always the same: 我解析的所有输入字符串,错误始终相同:

line 1:0 mismatched input 'e' expecting 'e' 第1:0行输入“ e”不匹配,期望“ e”

If I change the 'e' token with 'x', I got the same but with 'x' inside, so the problem seems to be related to the non-terminal E. Does anyone know where is the error? 如果我将'e'令牌更改为'x',则得到相同的标记,但内部带有'x',因此问题似乎与非终结符E有关。有人知道错误在哪里吗?

That is because the input "e" is being tokenized as an L token. 这是因为输入"e"被标记为L标记。 You'll need to make L a parser rule instead of a lexer rule. 您需要使L成为解析器规则,而不是词法分析器规则。

Parser rules start with a lower case letter, so you could try something like this: 解析器规则以小写字母开头,因此您可以尝试如下操作:

grammar mygrammar;

// parser rules
prog     : E 'arrow' 'and' E pattern ;

pattern  : bpattern 
         | ('and' pattern)+ 
         | ('or' pattern)+

bpattern : l 
         | P 'and' E pattern

l        : 'not'? ( E | U ) ;

// lexer rules (tokens)
P : 'p' ;
U : 'u' ;
E : 'e' ;

// skipped tokens
WS : [ \t\r\n]+ -> skip ;

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