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[英]Formatting value label to fit without being cut off

I've got an issue where i'm automatically formatting my jQuery.Knob instance and it's being cut off incorrectly. 我遇到一个问题,其中我会自动格式化jQuery.Knob实例,并且该实例被错误地切断。 It ends up looking like this: 最终看起来像这样:

jQuery旋钮被切断 在此处输入图片说明 etc.... 等等....

This slider just goes up in range ( max will be around $10,000,000 , potentially more ), so you can understand that a larger portion of the displayed value will be cut off as it grows, which isn't what I want.... 该滑块只是在范围内上升( 最大值将在$10,000,000附近,可能还会更多 ),因此您可以理解,显示值的很大一部分会随着它的增长而被截断,这不是我想要的...。

I managed to counter-act that with overloading the draw method, applying the following, but this isn't a full-proof method of doing so as the font size grows: 我设法通过使用以下方法重载draw方法来抵消这种情况,但是随着字体大小的增加,这并不是完全可靠的方法:

$(this.i).css('font-size', '90%').val('$' + parseFloat(this.cv, 10).toFixed(2).replace(/(\d)(?=(\d{3})+\.)/g, "$1,").toString());

But, I'd like a cleaner method without having to apply my own CSS to the presented label. 但是,我想要一种更清洁的方法,而不必将自己的CSS应用于呈现的标签。

I did try through the format with the following, but it's overloading: 我确实尝试了以下format ,但是它超载了:

format: function (value) {
    return '$' + parseFloat(value, 10).toFixed(2).replace(/(\d)(?=(\d{3})+\.)/g, "$1,")


I am using Bootstrap if that has anything to do with it, and the HTML for this container looks like this below: 我正在使用Bootstrap进行任何操作,并且此容器的HTML如下所示:

<div class='row margin-top-45'>
    <div class='col-lg-4'>
        <input value="50000" class="dial" data-step="5000" data-min="0" data-max="10000000" data-thickness="0.2" data-fgColor="#16A085" data-skin="tron">

Here is my example of dynamically changing the font if you decide to go with this solution: https://jsfiddle.net/3c4d7L53/3/ Try changing the value from xxxxx.xx to xxxxxx.xx and you'll notice font reduce itself. 这是我决定采用此解决方案时动态更改字体的示例: https : xxxxx.xx尝试将值从xxxxx.xxxxxxxx.xx ,您会注意到字体会减少。 From here you decide what the font value will be based on the number of digits you have to display using basic math. 从这里,您可以根据必须使用基本数学显示的位数确定字体值。

Code itself is below. 代码本身在下面。 I kept your overloaded format function and added change function: 我保留了重载的format功能并添加了change功能:

 jQuery('.dial').knob({ format: function(e) { return '$' + parseFloat(e, 10).toFixed(2).replace(/(\\d)(?=(\\d{3})+\\.)/g, "$1,") }, change: function(v) { var v = parseInt(v); var valLength = String(v).length; var defaultFontSize = 22; if (valLength > 5) { var defaultFontSize = 22 - ((valLength - 5) * 4); this.i.css({ font: 'bold ' + defaultFontSize + 'px Arial' }); } else { this.i.css({ font: 'bold ' + defaultFontSize + 'px Arial' }); } } }); 

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