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[英]How to get a hostname that contains a certain string from a group in Ansible

I'm using Ansible and need to lookup my database server to use in a config file. 我正在使用Ansible,需要查找我的数据库服务器以在配置文件中使用。

I have a group of all database servers: groups.rds and I know that the server I'm looking for contains a certain string, eg. 我有一组所有数据库服务器: groups.rds我知道我正在寻找的服务器包含某个字符串,例如。 "development". “发展”。

What is the cleanest way to find that hostname? 找到该主机名最简洁的方法是什么?

I'm looking for something like this: groups.rds.contains("development").first() 我正在寻找这样的东西: groups.rds.contains("development").first()

You can do this with the select filter , combined with the match filter . 您可以使用select过滤器match过滤器来完成此操作。

groups.rds | select("match", ".*production.*") | first

But you're asking for the cleanest solution. 但是你要求的是最干净的解决方案。 From here it looks like you're trying to identify an environment (development) based on a host name. 从这里看起来您正在尝试基于主机名识别环境(开发)。 If that's the case, wouldn't it make sense to have another group for this? 如果是这样的话,为此又建立一个团队是不是有意义?

If you'd had something like this: 如果你有这样的事情:






Then it would be very easy to get the intersection of these groups: 然后,很容易得到这些组的交集:

groups.rds | intersect(groups.development) | first

This would give you only the hosts which are in both groups rds and development , which is some.development.host . 这将只为您提供rdsdevelopment两个组中的主机,即some.development.host

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