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[英]Getting script in .js file to load in HTML

I wrote a simple copyright script in javascript that I have tested to work correctly: 我用javascript写了一个简单的版权脚本,经测试可以正常工作:

 <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <body> <p id="footer"></p> <script type = "text/javascript"> var initialYear = 2016; var currentYear = new Date().getFullYear(); var yearYext = "null " if (initialYear == currentYear) { yearText = " " + initialYear + " "; } if (initialYear != currentYear) { yearText = " " + initialYear + " - " + currentYear; } var copyright = { name : "Elliander Eldridge", symbol : '\©', year : yearText, }; document.getElementById("footer").innerHTML = "Copyright " + copyright.symbol + " " + copyright.year + " " + copyright.name + ". All rights reserved."; </script> </body> </html> 

(as you can see from the run button) (从运行按钮可以看到)

So I moved the script portion into js/site.js (within the directory tree of the website files) and wanted to load this within the footer of all pages. 因此,我将脚本部分移至js / site.js(在网站文件的目录树内),并希望将其加载到所有页面的页脚中。

The problem is that using neither this: 问题是这两个都不使用:

<script src="../js/site.js"></script>

nor this: 也不是这样:

<script src="../js/site.js">   
<p id="footer"></p>

Does anything at all, and I can't seem to find a way to get this to load at all. 根本没有做任何事情,而且我似乎根本找不到找到这种方法来加载的方法。 I also tried putting that in other parts of the page without success. 我也尝试将其放在页面的其他部分,但没有成功。 I even tried putting that in the css file that every page is supposed to load. 我什至尝试将其放在应该加载每个页面的css文件中。

As a side note, I'd like to be able to load more than one script from this file, similar to how I might use multiple css classes within one css file, but not sure how to go about doing this here. 附带说明一下,我希望能够从该文件中加载多个脚本,类似于我可能在一个css文件中使用多个css类的方式,但是不确定如何在此处执行此操作。

PS - Please don't advise me on alternate ways of writing this in javascript. PS-请不要建议我用JavaScript编写此文字的其他方法。 I just need help getting to load what I have already written. 我只需要帮助就可以加载已写的内容。

Your js code is called at the beginning, even before the HTML content is loaded and it tries to find footer , which obviously doesnt exist on the page yet. 甚至在加载HTML内容之前,您的js代码就会在开始时被调用,并且它会尝试查找footer ,而footer显然尚不存在于页面上。

All you need to do is call the js, once the DOM is ready ie the HTML is loaded 您只需要做的就是调用js,一旦DOM准备就绪即加载HTML

<p id="footer"></p>
// and at the end of the page
<script src="../js/site.js"> </script>

Another tip that may help. 另一个提示可能会有所帮助。 Put your js code around this : 将您的js代码放在这周围:

$(document).ready(function() { 
//put your code here

Oh and also, this is incorrect 哦,这也是不正确的

<script src="../js/site.js">   
<p id="footer"></p>

EDIT: 编辑:

Since you dont want to use jquery, do this : 由于您不想使用jquery,请执行以下操作:

document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
   // put your code here
}, false);

This makes sure that the javascript code runs only after the DOM is loaded 这样可以确保仅在加载DOM之后运行javascript代码

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