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[英]library not found after cocoapods integration

Integrated (objective C) Xcode 7.2 iOS 9.2: 集成(目标C)Xcode 7.2 iOS 9.2:

$ mkdir -p $HOME/Software/ruby
$ export GEM_HOME=$HOME/Software/ruby
$ gem install cocoa pods  (automatic pods version (0.39))
$ export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/Software/ruby/bin
$ cd/ to project folder
$ pod init
$ open -a Xcode Podfile

# Uncomment this line to define a global platform for your project
# platform :ios, '8.0'
# Uncomment this line if you're using Swift
# use_frameworks!

target 'ProjectName' do

pod 'AFNetworking', '~> 2.0.3'

target 'ProjectNameTests' do

$ pod install

Xcode gives error "library not found for -lAFNetworking" Xcode给出错误“找不到用于-lAFNetworking的库”

Searched around google: Tried with things: 在Google周围搜索:尝试过的事情:

  1. Removed everything from target>build setting>otherlinkerflag, except $(inherited), compiled but unlucky 从目标>构建设置>其他链接标志中删除了所有内容,但$(继承)除外,已编译但很不幸

  2. Deintegrated pods plugin from ( https://github.com/CocoaPods/cocoapods-deintegrate ) again installed compiled but unlucky 来自( https://github.com/CocoaPods/cocoapods-deintegrate )的Deintegrated pods插件再次安装了编译但很不幸

  3. Tried experiment with header search path & framework search path but unlucky. 尝试使用标头搜索路径和框架搜索路径进行实验,但很不幸。

Did you open Workspace or Project file? 您是否打开了Workspace或Project文件? Verify that you open first one 确认您打开了第一个

Make Sure Pods is completely instally !!! 确保豆荚是完全可安装的! and open Workspace file geneterated after pods is installed !! 并在安装Pod后打开生成的Workspace文件!

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