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'/ ='运算符在JavaScript中的含义是什么?

[英]What does '/=' operator mean in JavaScript?

I came across this looking at the source for some physics animations in JavaScript found here on github where he's written this 在github上找到了一些物理动画的源代码,我在这里写了这篇文章

if (this._position < 0) this._position /= 3;

A quick Google yielded nothing, anyone know? 一个快速的谷歌什么都没有,任何人都知道?

The operator is shorthand division operator . 操作员是速记分部操作员 It is equivalent to 它相当于

this.position = this.position / 3;

The division will be performed first and then the result will be assigned to the dividend. 将首先执行除法,然后将结果分配给被除数。

Quoting from MDN 引自MDN

The division assignment operator divides a variable by the value of the right operand and assigns the result to the variable. 除法赋值运算符将变量除以右操作数的值,并将结果赋给变量。


This is a division asignment operator: This performs the following operation: Ex: 这是一个除法运算符:它执行以下操作:Ex:

var x=10,y=2;
which is equivalent to x/=y;
and returns 5

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