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[英](ZEND) Route to index.phtml in javascript

I'm making a button that refreshes a specific div, the div is located in the index.phtml. 我正在制作一个刷新特定div的按钮,该div位于index.phtml中。


Is not working, nothing happens. 不起作用,什么也没发生。

Firstly, it would help if you specify exactly what "not working" means. 首先,如果您确切指定“不起作用”的含义,将会有所帮助。 Does anything happen on-screen?, is there an error message in the Javascript console?, if you enter the fuction in immediate mode into the debugger does it work then?, what if you use a fixed URL rather than a variable? 屏幕上是否发生任何事情?Javascript控制台中是否有错误消息?如果您在调试器中以即时模式输入功能,它是否可以正常工作?如果使用固定URL而不是变量怎么办?

document.URL is the URL of the currently loaded page, so you're loading a copy of the current page into a div within that page. document.URL是当前加载页面的URL,因此您要将当前页面的副本加载到该页面内的div中。 Sounds a bit odd but I can't say that it sounds impossible. 听起来有些奇怪,但我不能说这听起来不可能。

Try something like this- 尝试这样的事情-

<script type="text/javascript" src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.12.0.min.js"></script>

    <table id="myTable"><tr><td>Content</td></tr></table>

var contentURL= "Stackoverflow_01.html";

$().ready(function() {
  $('#myTable tr td').load(contentURL);


This loads the content of the target file into a table cell in the starting file. 这会将目标文件的内容加载到起始文件中的表单元格中。

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