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[英]How to use two separate passport instances in a single express server file

I have an express app with a user and admin section. 我有一个带有用户和管理部分的快速应用程序。 Both will run on different ports and need different authentication. 两者都将在不同的端口上运行,并且需要不同的身份验证。 I created an app.js where I include passport and create an app as well as adminApp. 我创建了一个app.js,其中包含了护照,并创建了一个应用程序以及adminApp。 Then I initialize passport for both as follows: 然后,我为这两种方式初始化护照:

var passport = require('passport');
var app = express();
var adminapp = express();



Now I have routes defined to listen to /auth and handle authentication. 现在,我已定义了路由来侦听/ auth并处理身份验证。 Since I am running these on different ports, I have same patterns for routes, and both are listening correctly on their ports. 由于我在不同的端口上运行它们,因此我使用相同的路由模式,并且两者都在其端口上正确侦听。 So lets say I have a userSessions.js and adminSessions.js files to handle the authentication routes. 因此,可以说我有一个userSessions.jsadminSessions.js文件来处理身份验证路由。 These are included as follows: 这些内容包括:

var userSessions = require('./routes/userSessions');
var adminSessions = require('./routes/adminSessions');

app.use('/auth', userSessions);
adminapp.use('/auth', adminSessions); 

Now if I try to authenticate on the admin app, it still goes to the passport.serializeUser and passport.deSerializeUser methods of userSessions.js . 现在,如果我尝试在管理应用程序上进行身份验证,它仍将转到userSessions.jspassport.serializeUserpassport.deSerializeUser方法。

How can I handle this situation so that admin and user authentication are handled separately? 如何处理这种情况,以便分别处理管理员身份验证和用户身份验证? Or am I doing this the wrong way and admin section should be handled in completely different app? 还是我做错了方法,应该在完全不同的应用程序中处理管理部分?

Have not tried but you can look for passports 还没尝试过,但是可以找护照

var Passport = require('passport').Passport,
    appPass = new Passport(),
    adminappPass = new Passport();

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