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[英]Making a connection with Socket.io on Remote Server

I have created a simple app Laravel Homestead to test some basic stuff: Broadcasting events and listening them on socket.io. 我创建了一个简单的应用程序Laravel Homestead,以测试一些基本内容:广播事件并在socket.io上监听它们。

Everything works well. 一切正常。

However, I want to upload the app to a remote server to a directory called learn-redis and am facing a challenge. 但是,我想将应用程序上载到远程服务器上的一个名为learn-redis的目录,并且面临着挑战。 My socket.js file looks like this: 我的socket.js文件如下所示:

var server = require('http').Server();

var io = require('socket.io')(server);

var Redis = require('ioredis');

var redis = new Redis();


redis.on('message', function(channel, message){

    message = JSON.parse(message);

    io.emit(channel + ':' message.event, message.data);


  1. In Laravel Homestead, I know I can listen to port 8000 because it gets displays on the console when running vagrant up . 在Laravel Homestead中,我知道我可以监听端口8000,因为运行vagrant up时它会在控制台上vagrant up What about my remote server? 那我的远程服务器呢? What port do I use? 我要使用哪个端口?

  2. On client side, I have this code. 在客户端,我有这段代码。

    var socket = io(' '); var socket = io(' ');

      new Vue({ el: '#demo', data: { users: {!! App\\User::all() !!} }, ready: function(){ socket.on('test-channel:App\\\\Events\\\\UserSignedUp', function(data) { this.users.push( data.user ); }.bind(this)); } }); 

I have pulled Vue.js and Socket.io.js libraries, but when I try doing var socket = io('http://example.com/learn-redis:8000') I get the error http://example.com:8000/socket.io/?EIO=3&transport=polling&t=LBWnq-U net::ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT . 我已经拉了Vue.js和Socket.io.js库,但是当我尝试做var socket = io('http://example.com/learn-redis:8000')我得到了错误http://example.com:8000/socket.io/?EIO=3&transport=polling&t=LBWnq-U net::ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT

You need to have a VPS server to be able to install node,most likely, You are on a shared hosting and most providers won't allow you to install node. 您需要具有VPS服务器才能安装节点,最有可能的是,您位于共享主机上,并且大多数提供程序都不允许您安装节点。 Your best bet would be to ask your provider to install node for you or if you have the funds, upgrade to a VPS server. 最好的选择是要求您的提供商为您安装节点,或者如果您有资金,请升级到VPS服务器。

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