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[英]How to copy Ethereum Blockchain from one node to another

I have installed the Ethereum Mist client on a 6 GB RAM Ubuntu 14.04 machine and it is working as expected. 我已经在6 GB RAM Ubuntu 14.04计算机上安装了以太坊Mist客户端,并且按预期工作。 I tried installing another node on a second 3GB RAM Ubuntu 14.04 machine and on this node, the block synchronisation process is not terminating. 我尝试在第二台3GB RAM Ubuntu 14.04计算机上安装另一个节点,并且在该节点上,块同步过程未终止。 Have tried number of times but each time the sync process stops somewhere around 400,000+ blocks ( when the full chain is around 1,000,000+ long) but there is no error. 尝试了几次,但是每次同步过程在大约40万个以上的块处停止时(当整个链长约1,000,000个以上时),但是没有错误。 It is just that the network activity stops, nothing gets downloaded and process just sits there ... until I kill it. 只是网络活动停止了,什么都没有下载,进程就在那里……直到我杀死它。 Two Questions 两个问题

  1. Is the sync process stalling because of the lower RAM? 同步进程是否由于RAM较低而停止? Or is there any other process that I need to figure out? 还是我需要找出其他流程?
  2. Is it possible for me to copy the block chain from my active Ethereum node and simply place it in the correct directory? 我可以从活动的以太坊节点中复制区块链并将其简单地放置在正确的目录中吗? If so, then which directories should I copy or what should I do. 如果是这样,那么我应该复制哪些目录或应该做什么。 I dont have the GETH console and hence cannot issue the admin.copychain command 我没有GETH控制台,因此无法发出admin.copychain命令

Check if ~/.config/Mist contains several GB of data, then the blockchain would be here. 检查~/.config/Mist包含数GB的数据,那么区块链就在这里。 If not, check the size of ~/.ethereum/ 如果不是,请检查~/.ethereum/的大小

The README states that the data folder is ~/.config/Mist but not sure if it includes the Blockchain. 自述文件指出数据文件夹为~/.config/Mist但不确定其是否包含区块链。

Once the right folder is found, copying it to the other machine should work. 找到正确的文件夹后,应将其复制到另一台计算机上。 If you mind copying also other data than the blockchain(especially if you copy ~/.config/Mist ), you have to be more selective about which folder(s) to copy. 如果您还打算复制除区块链以外的其他数据(尤其是复制~/.config/Mist ),则必须对要复制的文件夹更具选择性。

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