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[英]How do I get the avro code generator to use a different type, other than the predefined primitive and complex types in schema?

I have a simple avro schema that looks like this: 我有一个简单的avro模式,如下所示:

        "type": "record",
        "name": "transaction",
        "namespace": "com.mycompany",
        "doc": "Transaction records",
        "fields": [

                "name": "version",
                "type": "int",
                "default": 1,
                "doc": "version the class"
                "name": "eventType",
                "type": "string",
                "default": "saleTransaction",
                "doc": "event type"
                "name": "writeTimestamp",
                "type": "org.joda.time.DateTime",
                "doc": "Timestamp when this event was written to the stream"
                "name": "originatingClient",
                "type": "string",
                "doc": "identifier of the originating client"

When I compile it using avro-maven-plugin, I get the following error: 使用avro-maven-plugin进行编译时,出现以下错误:

ERROR] Failed to execute goal 错误]无法执行目标

Execution transaction-schemas of goal org.apache.avro:avro-maven-plugin:1.8.0:schema failed: "org.joda.time.DateTime" is not a defined name. 目标org.apache.avro:avro-maven-plugin:1.8.0:schema的执行事务模式失败:“ org.joda.time.DateTime”不是定义的名称。 The type of the "writeTimestamp" field must be a defined name or a {"type": ...} expression. “ writeTimestamp”字段的类型必须是定义的名称或{“ type”:...}表达式。 -> [Help 1] -> [帮助1]

How do I get this to work? 我该如何工作?

There is no date support as of now in Avro, you would have to store the time as a long. 到目前为止,Avro中没有日期支持,您必须将时间存储很长时间。 And there is no support for custom types, as that would mean to support avro serialization and deserialization of that type. 而且不支持自定义类型,因为这将意味着支持该类型的avro序列化和反序列化。

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