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[英]Pass a delegate as a parameter for NSURLSession

I have a class named RestService which I use all over my app to perform several synchronous requests to a web service. 我有一个名为RestService的类,该类在我的整个应用程序中用于对Web服务执行几个同步请求。 I added a new method to this class to perform an asynchronous request which again I want to reuse all over my app. 我向此类添加了一个新方法来执行异步请求,我再次希望在整个应用程序中重用。 This is the code for that new method: 这是该新方法的代码:

- (void)backgroundExecutionOfService:(NSString *)serviceName 
                      withParameters:(NSDictionary *)parameters
                              inView:(UIView *)view
                        withDelegate:(UIViewController *)delegate
    NSString *serviceUrl = @"http://MyWebServer/public/api/clients/5";
    NSURLSessionConfiguration *sessionConfig = [NSURLSessionConfiguration defaultSessionConfiguration];
    sessionConfig.allowsCellularAccess          = YES;
    sessionConfig.timeoutIntervalForRequest     = 10;
    sessionConfig.timeoutIntervalForResource    = 10;
    sessionConfig.HTTPMaximumConnectionsPerHost =  1;

    NSURLSession *session;
    session = [NSURLSession sessionWithConfiguration:sessionConfig

    NSURLSessionDownloadTask *getFileTask;
    getFileTask = [session downloadTaskWithURL:[NSURL URLWithString:serviceUrl]];
    [getFileTask resume];

But XCode is giving me a warning about using that parameter as a delegate (Sending UIViewController * __strong' to parameter of incompatible type 'id< NSURLSessionDelegate > _Nullable'). 但是XCode给我有关使用该参数作为委托的警告(将UIViewController * __strong发送给不兼容类型'id <NSURLSessionDelegate> _Nullable'的参数)。 I made sure that the view controller I'm sending as a parameter has declared < NSURLSessionDelegate > in .h and I created the delegate methods in the ViewControllers's implementation file. 我确保要作为参数发送的视图控制器已在.h中声明了<NSURLSessionDelegate>,并且在ViewControllers的实现文件中创建了委托方法。

- (void)URLSession:(NSURLSession *)session didBecomeInvalidWithError:(nullable NSError *)error{
    NSLog(@"Became invalid with error: %@", [error localizedDescription]);

- (void)URLSession:(NSURLSession *)session didReceiveChallenge:(NSURLAuthenticationChallenge *)challenge
 completionHandler:(void (^)(NSURLSessionAuthChallengeDisposition disposition, NSURLCredential * __nullable credential))completionHandler{
    NSLog(@"Received challenge");

- (void)URLSessionDidFinishEventsForBackgroundURLSession:(NSURLSession *)session{
    NSLog(@"Did finish events for session: %@", session);

The app doesn't crash but the delegate methods are never called. 该应用程序不会崩溃,但永远不会调用委托方法。 The synchronous web services work as expected. 同步Web服务按预期方式工作。

That happened because a UIViewController class don't conform a NSURLSessionDelegate protocol. 发生这种情况是因为UIViewController类不符合NSURLSessionDelegate协议。 To resolve that discrepancy just change the method's signature to this like: 要解决这种差异,只需将方法的签名更改为:

- (void)backgroundExecutionOfService:(NSString *)serviceName withParameters:(NSDictionary *)parameters inView:(UIView *)view withDelegate:(id<NSURLSessionDelegate>)delegate{
//... your code

And "read up on the basics of delegates." 和“阅读代表的基础知识”。

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