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[英]React shouldComponentUpdate too much recursion

I'm building a dashboard with auto-update every few seconds using React. 我正在使用React构建每隔几秒钟自动更新的仪表板。 I'm getting the properties from an Ajax call and passing them to the components, which until now has been working fine. 我正在从Ajax调用中获取属性,并将它们传递给组件,直到现在为止,它们一直运行良好。

In one of the components, I need to set the image source that gets updated every x seconds automatically but in this case I need to use state. 在其中一个组件中,我需要设置每x秒自动更新一次的图像源,但是在这种情况下,我需要使用状态。

This is my component: 这是我的组件:

var ImageContainer = React.createClass({

    getInitialState: function(){
        return { src: this.props.initialImage};

    shouldComponentUpdate: function(nextProps, nextState){
        this.setState({ src: this.props.initialImage });
        return true;

    render: function() {
        return (
            <div className="col-md-8 col-sm-12 nopadding post-image vcenter" >
                <img src={this.state.src} className="img-responsive center-cropped"/>


This works good but gives too much recursion error . 这很好用,但是给出too much recursion error

Did a search and found this answer advising to use componentWillReceiveProps to set the state, but when I use it, the image is not updated on the first auto-fresh, only on the second. 进行搜索后发现此答案建议使用componentWillReceiveProps设置状态,但是当我使用它时,图像不会在第一个自动刷新上更新,而仅在第二个自动刷新上更新。

Here's the current flow after I implement componentWillReceiveProps : 这是我实现componentWillReceiveProps之后的当前流程:

  • Ajax receives call result, let's say data A Ajax收到呼叫结果,比方说数据A
  • Call state is passed to two components, the image and the text 通话状态传递给两个组件,图像和文本
  • Initial call >> Image data A, Text data A 初始通话>>图像数据A,文本数据A
  • Component refresh to get data B >> Image data A, text data B 组件刷新以获取数据B >>图像数据A,文本数据B
  • Component refresh to get data C >> Image data B, text data C 组件刷新以获取数据C >>图像数据B,文本数据C

...and so on. ...等等。 Can you help me understand why this happens? 您能帮我理解为什么会这样吗?

Note: I need to use state because there's the need to run a check on componentDidMount to confirm the image is valid 注意:我需要使用状态,因为需要对componentDidMount进行检查以确认图像有效

I have had similar issues with componentWillReceiveProps in the past. 过去, componentWillReceiveProps有类似的问题。 It is assumed that if it is called it has new props and it seems it isn't always the case. 假设它被称为具有新的道具,而且似乎并非总是如此。

See: https://facebook.github.io/react/blog/2016/01/08/A-implies-B-does-not-imply-B-implies-A.html 参见: https : //facebook.github.io/react/blog/2016/01/08/A-implies-B-does-not-imply-B-implies-A.html

The recursion will probably be due to setting state in shouldComponentUpdate without returning false to stop the render. 递归可能是由于应在shouldComponentUpdate设置状态而没有返回false来停止渲染。 It may be worth trying something along the lines of: 可能值得尝试以下方法:

shouldComponentUpdate: function(nextProps, nextState) {
   this.setState({ src: nextProps.initialImage });
   return nextProps.initialImage !== this.props.initialImage;

By adding a condition that compares the old props and state to their replacements, it should stop recursion. 通过添加比较旧道具和状态及其替换的条件,它应停止递归。

NOTE: I haven't been able to test this code, so maybe off 注意:我无法测试此代码,所以也许关闭

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