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Atlassian Stash:是否可以防止合并包含合并的请求请求?

[英]Atlassian Stash: Is it possible to prevent merging pull requests containg merges?

Some people in my team use git pull to sync their feature branches with master during development. 我们团队中的某些人在开发过程中使用git pull将其功能分支与master同步。

Due to that, pull requests end up having multiple merges, and as a result it's sometimes hard to reason about the code in the pull request and even harder when reviewing history in gitk . 因此,拉取请求最终将具有多个合并,因此有时很难对拉取请求中的代码进行推理,而在gitk查看历史记录时甚至更加困难。


Preaching to them about advantages of using git fetch && git rebase or git pull --rebase doesn't help, so I'd like to set a rule in Stash config panel to prevent anyone from merging pull requests that contain merge commits themselves . 向他们宣讲使用git fetch && git rebasegit pull --rebase无济于事,所以我想在Stash配置面板中设置一条规则,以防止任何人合并包含合并提交本身的合并请求

Is there some Stash plugin available that will make it possible? 是否有可用的Stash插件可以实现?

I want to enforce the rule via automated check, so that I don't have to be "that guy" who always complains (if "MERGE" button is disabled, it's easier to enforce the convention). 我想通过自动检查来执行规则,这样我就不必成为总是抱怨的“那个家伙”(如果禁用了“ MERGE”按钮,则执行约定会更容易)。

Note that I am not the only one with merge privileges and I don't want to be the gatekeeper. 请注意,我不是唯一拥有合并特权的人,我也不想成为网守。

Edit: 编辑:

It seems this plugin is what I was looking for. 看来这个插件正是我想要的。 I will need to have a look at it. 我将需要看看它。

我前一段时间写了Stash插件 ,我认为可以做您所描述的事情。

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