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[英]Add a twig variable to an <img>

I have an image showing up like that: 我有这样的图像显示:

src="{{ asset('./images/cours/zumba.jpg') }}"

Then I define a foo variable: 然后定义一个foo变量:

{% set foo = 'zumba' %}

Then I try to insert the variable foo in the <img> 然后我尝试将变量foo插入<img>

src="{{ asset('./images/cours/{{ foo }}.jpg') }}"

The image doesn't show up, any ideas? 图片没有显示,有什么想法吗? Thank you in advance. 先感谢您。

Yes, you must rather do : 是的,您必须这样做:

src="{{ asset('./images/cours/' ~ foo ~ '.jpg') }}"

~ is to concatenate strings, so it concatenates your variable and the placeholder path that you have. ~是连接字符串,因此它可以连接变量和具有的占位符路径。

See the "Other operators" section here for the complete documentation 有关完整的文档,请参见此处“其他运算符”部分。

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