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[英]Sort Eloquent models on relationship (one>many)

I've got a model called "Lesson" which has a ->hasMany() relationship which represent the dates for this lesson. 我有一个名为“ Lesson”的模型,该模型具有->hasMany()关系,该关系表示本课程的日期。

To retrieve every lesson with a date within a certain time-span I use a whereHas : 要检索在一定时间范围内具有日期的每节课,我使用whereHas

$list = Lesson::whereHas('dates', function ($query)  use ($start, $end) {
   $query->where('date','>=', $start->format('Y-m-d'))
         ->where('date','<=', $end->format('Y-m-d'));

This works as expected, but I now want to sort the $list by the 'smallest' date associated with the lesson. 这可以按预期工作,但是我现在想按与课程相关的“最小”日期对$list进行排序。

Preferably I wish to use the Eloquent models, as there are some needed methods in the model. 最好是我希望使用Eloquent模型,因为模型中需要一些方法。 But if it's not possible, than a 'plain' sql statement could also be used. 但是,如果不可能,那么也可以使用“普通” sql语句。

You can use the available methods of Laravel collections .This code should do it. 您可以使用Laravel集合的可用方法。此代码应做到这一点。

$sortedLessons = $lessons->sortBy(function ($lesson) {
    $dates = $lesson->dates;
    $minDate = $dates->sortBy('date');
    return $minDate;

I assumed that you have a field date in your date model. 我假设您在日期模型中有一个字段日期。

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