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在JBoss上启用JDK 1.5

[英]Enabling JDK 1.5 on JBoss

I am designing a web app, I am using JBoss 4.0.5 and have recently came across the need of enabling the use of JDK 1.5 features on JSP pages. 我正在设计一个Web应用程序,正在使用JBoss 4.0.5,最近遇到了在JSP页面上启用JDK 1.5功能的需求。 I only need it for one of my JSP pages. 我只需要其中一个JSP页面。 I know how to enable this feature, basically by removing the comments on the necessary lines on the web.xml file. 我知道如何启用此功能,基本上是通过删除web.xml文件上必要行上的注释来实现的。

Now here is the problem, the rest of my JSP pages have been designed and implemented without the need of this feature. 现在是问题所在,我的其余JSP页面已经设计和实现,而无需使用此功能。

If I enable this feature, are there risks of my other JSP pages or some of my other content suffering any type of consequences? 如果启用此功能,我的其他JSP页面或某些其他内容会遭受任何后果的风险吗?

Thank you in advance. 先感谢您。

I don't see how it could be a problem. 我不知道这怎么可能是个问题。 Java is backward compatible, so any version upgrade should always work with old code written using an older version. Java是向后兼容的,因此任何版本升级都应始终与使用旧版本编写的旧代码一起使用。

We upgraded to Java 6 (from 4) an year ago...everything including our web projects are working fine. 一年前,我们从4升级到了Java 6(包括Web项目在内的所有程序都运行良好)。 We did a web module upgrade to 3.0 in parallel though. 但是,我们将Web模块并行升级到3.0。 Also upgraded JEE to 6. 还将JEE升级到了6。

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