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MEAN Stack:带有查询参数的Expressjs路由

[英]MEAN Stack: Expressjs Routes with query parameters

I have two separate schemas- 1. User 2. Plans. 我有两个独立的模式-1.用户2.计划。 I am trying to find all the plans that belong to a user, but doing a get request using query parameters is not working.Please help. 我正在尝试查找属于用户的所有计划,但是使用查询参数执行get请求无法正常工作。请帮助。

Here is my query 这是我的查询

http://localhost:8080/api/plans/search?userId=56bd16761e6bb0e5b2b43c9b http:// localhost:8080 / api / plans / search?userId = 56bd16761e6bb0e5b2b43c9b

I get all the plans via this route so that is working. 我通过这条路线获得了所有计划,因此可以正常工作。

http://localhost:8080/api/plans/ http:// localhost:8080 / api / plans /

Here is my Plan Model 这是我的计划模型

var PlanSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
   title: {type: String},
   userId: { type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'User' },
     name: {type: String},
     category: {type: String},
     address: {type: String},
     hours: {type: String},
     phone: {type: String},
     website: {type: String},
     notes: {type: String},
     imageUrl: {type: String},
     dayNumber: {type: Number}

Here is my Plans Route. 这是我的计划路线。

    PlansController.get('/', function(req, res){
  Plan.find({}, function(err, plans){

PlansController.get('/:id', function(req, res){
  Plan.findOne({_id: req.params.id}, function(err, plan){

PlansController.get('/search', function(req, res){
  Plan.find({ userId: req.query.userId }, function (err, plans){

What am I doing wrong? 我究竟做错了什么? In the terminal I get this, 在终端我得到这个,

GET /api/plans/search?userId=56bd16761e6bb0e5b2b43c9b 200 7.047 ms - - GET / api / plans / search?userId = 56bd16761e6bb0e5b2b43c9b 200 7.047 ms--

I think I figured it out. 我想我知道了。 since search route looks similar to /:id route, it keeps thinking of search strings as IDs and keeps using the id route. 由于搜索路由看起来类似于/:id路由,因此它一直将搜索字符串视为ID并继续使用id路由。 Search Route has to be included before the /:id route. 搜索路由必须包含在/:id路由之前。

Here is the updated code. 这是更新的代码。

PlansController.get('/search', function(req, res){
  Plan.find({ userId: req.query.userId }, function (err, plans){


PlansController.get('/:id', function(req, res){
  Plan.findOne({_id: req.params.id}, function(err, plan){

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