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SQL Server 2012中的存储过程

[英]Stored procedure in SQL Server 2012

I need your help in writing a stored procedure to update the data given below into a table in SQL Server. 在编写存储过程以将下面给出的数据更新到SQL Server中的表中时,我需要您的帮助。

I have uploaded a picture to ensure format is set right. 我已上传图片以确保格式正确。

The second column which identifies the part number, example: part 100 has 103 and 104 as its components in bill of materials. 标识零件号的第二列,例如: part 100在物料清单中具有103104作为其组件。 However only 1 (either 103 is allocated to id 1 , part 100 or 104 is allocated to id 2 , part 100 ). 但是,仅1(将103分配给id 1part 100104分配给id 2part 100 )。

For us to differentiate during the planning bill of materials for the top level assembly, we need to update assembly hashkey (string) with the last character of component used (ex: 103 , use 3 ), 000111 becomes 300111 . 为了使我们在顶层装配的计划物料清单中有所区别,我们需要使用所用零部件的最后一个字符(例如: 103 ,使用3 )更新装配体哈希键(字符串), 000111变为300111 Doesn't matter which component gets assigned to the parent. 哪个组件分配给父级无关紧要。

Can anybody please help me with this. 有人可以帮我吗 thanks. 谢谢。

Data Structure          Expected result

ID  Part  hashkey       ID  Part    hashkey
-----------------       --------------------
1   100   000111        1   100     300111
2   100   000111        2   100     400111
3   103   000111        3   103     000111
4   104   000111        4   104     000111

Data structure: expected_result 数据结构: expected_result

Try This. 尝试这个。

DECLARE @data TABLE (ID INT, Part INT, hashkey VARCHAR(100))

SELECT 1, 100, '000111'
SELECT 2, 100, '000111'
SELECT 3, 101, '000111'
SELECT 4, 102, '000111';

WITH cte
AS (
    SELECT ID, Part, hashkey, ROW_number() OVER (
            PARTITION BY part ORDER BY part ASC
            ) AS RN
    FROM @data
        WHEN RN > 1
            THEN cast(ID AS VARCHAR) + hashkey
        WHEN lead(RN, 1) OVER (
                ORDER BY part, RN
                ) > 1
            THEN cast(ID AS VARCHAR) + hashkey
        ELSE hashkey
        END AS hashkey
FROM cte

Ok, if I understand your requirement now, then this should do it: 好的,如果我现在理解您的要求,那么应该这样做:

WITH cteParent AS (
 SELECT Id, hashkey, 
   ROW_NUMBER() OVER (Partition By hashkey, Order by ID) AS rn
 FROM MyTable
 WHERE Part=100
, cteComponent AS (
 SELECT Id, hashkey, 
   ROW_NUMBER() OVER (Partition By hashkey, Order by ID) AS rn
 FROM MyTable
 WHERE Part<>100
SELECT t.Id, t.Part
    WHEN t.Part=100 THEN RIGHT(CAST(c.Part AS varchar(31)),1) + SUBSTRING(CAST(p.hashkey AS varchar(31)), 2, LEN(CAST(t.hashkey AS varchar(31)))-1)
    ELSE CAST(t.hashkey AS varchar(31))
  END AS hashkey
FROM MyTable t
LEFT OUTER JOIN cteParent p ON t.Id=p.Id
LEFT OUTER JOIN cteComponent c 
 ON p.hashkey=c.hashkey
 AND p.rn=c.rn

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