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[英]Add an external library as a dependency in module.xml

I have different packages in my project. 我的项目中有不同的软件包。 In one of these I have a folder containing a particular library (zip file). 在其中之一中,我有一个包含特定库(zip文件)的文件夹。

Another jar (let's call it JAR_A ) depends on this library. 另一个罐子(我们称它为JAR_A )取决于此库。 Until now in the module.xml of this JAR_A , I have added some dependencies, which were structured as module themselves in JBoss structure (or else they are located in a folder main with the respective file module.xml ). 到目前为止,在此module.xmlJAR_A ,我已经添加了一些依赖关系,这些依赖关系本身在JBoss结构中被构造为模块(或者它们位于具有相应文件module.xml主文件module.xml )。

Thanks to the name attribute contained in module.xml , I was able to add the dependency in the module.xml of my JAR_A . 由于该name包含在属性module.xml ,我可以添加在依赖module.xml我的JAR_A

Now, as the external library (zip file) is not a module and doesn't have it's module.xml file with a name specified....how can I refer to it in order to add it's dependency in JAR_A ? 现在,由于外部库(zip文件)不是模块,也不具有指定名称的module.xml文件。...我如何引用它,以便在JAR_A添加其依赖JAR_A

For one module to depend on another module you can use the dependencies XML block like in Maven. 对于一个依赖于另一个模块的模块,您可以像在Maven中那样使用依赖关系XML块。

        <module name="moduleNameOfModuleWithJAR_A"/>

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