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[英]Vim Function to Send Highlighted Text to a Git Commit

Problem: 问题:

Suppose I have the following text in my vim buffer: 假设我的vim缓冲区中包含以下文本:

This is a commit msg.

Suppose further I have a git repo located at ~/my_repo . 假设我还有一个git repo位于~/my_repo

Goal: Make a vim script so that I can highlight the text above, and have it sent as a git commit message within ~/my_repo . 目标:制作一个vim脚本,以便我可以突出显示上面的文本,并将其作为git commit消息发送到~/my_repo It would look something like 看起来像

:'<,'>Commit ~/my_repo

It would also have auto-complete on its repo argument. 它的repo参数也将具有自动完成功能。

Attempted Solution: 尝试的解决方案:

First, the autocomplete function (AFAIK I think this is OK?): 首先,自动完成功能(AFAIK我认为可以吗?):

function! GitLocations()
  return find $HOME -name '.git' -printf '%h\n' "generates a list of all folders which contain a .git dir

Next, the actual git commit function, which is incomplete: 接下来,实际的git commit函数是不完整的:

function! CommitTextGitRepo(l1, l2, loc)
  let s:msg = ??? " how do I make this the highlighted text from line l1 to line l2?
  execute '!cd ' . a:loc . '&& git commit --allow-empty -m \"' . s:msg '\"'

Assuming I can figure out how to get CommitTextGitRepo() working above, the final thing I would need is this (I think): 假设我可以弄清楚如何使CommitTextGitRepo()在上面工作,我需要的最后一件事是(我认为):

command! -nargs=* -complete=custom,GitLocations -range Commit call CommitToGitRepo(<line1>, <line2>, <q-args>)

I'm so close. 我好亲近 How do I finish this up? 我该如何完成呢? :) :)

join(getline(a:l1, a:l2),"\n")

should do the trick I would rather use a local variable and you might want to shellescape the message making the function close to this 应该可以解决这个问题,我宁愿使用局部变量,也可能想对消息进行脱壳,以使函数接近于此

function! CommitTextGitRepo(l1, l2, loc)
  let l:msg = join(getline(a:l1,a:l2), "\n")
  execute '!cd ' . a:loc . '&& git commit --allow-empty -m ' . shellescape(l:msg)

http://vimhelp.appspot.com/eval.txt.html#shellescape%28%29 http://vimhelp.appspot.com/eval.txt.html#shellescape%28%29

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