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在AWS ec2实例之间连接到mongodb时如何配置安全组?

[英]How to configure security groups when connecting to mongodb between AWS ec2 instances?

I have one ec2 instance with mongodb (called ec2-mongo) with the security group, sg-mongodb-server. 我在mongodb中有一个ec2实例(称为ec2-mongo),其安全组为sg-mongodb-server。 And I am trying to connect to mongodb via another ec2 instance (called ec2-connect) with the security group, sg-connect. 我试图通过另一个带有安全组sg-connect的ec2实例(称为ec2-connect)连接到mongodb。 I want to set the rules to allow for traffic between the two security groups without referring to specific IP Addresses. 我想设置规则以允许两个安全组之间的通信,而无需引用特定的IP地址。 How can I do this? 我怎样才能做到这一点?

I can connect to mongo when my security groups are set up as follows (so there is nothing wrong with the servers as far as I know). 当我的安全组设置如下时,我可以连接到mongo(据我所知,服务器没有任何问题)。 Outbound is set to all: 出站设置为全部:

sg-mongodb-server : sg-mongodb-server

Port    Source
22      my_ip
27017   ip_of_ec2-connect

sg-connect : sg-connect

Port    Source
22      my_ip
27017   ip_of_ec2-mongo

but when I try to use security groups instead of IP Addresses I can't connect to mongodb. 但是,当我尝试使用安全组而不是IP地址时,无法连接到mongodb。

sg-mongodb-server : sg-mongodb-server

Port    Source
22      my_ip
27017   sg-connect

sg-connect : sg-connect

Port    Source
22      my_ip
27017   sg-mongodb-server

Error message when trying to connect: 尝试连接时出现错误消息:

MongoDB shell version: 3.2.3
connecting to: XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX/test
2016-02-19T18:24:09.245+0000 W NETWORK  [thread1] Failed to connect to XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:27017 after 5000 milliseconds, giving up.
2016-02-19T18:24:09.245+0000 E QUERY    [thread1] Error: couldn't connect to server XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:27017, connection attempt failed :

exception: connect failed

In order for security group references to work, you need to connect to your MongoDB from the EC2 instance by the MongoDB server's private IP address, not it's public IP address. 为了使安全组引用起作用,您需要通过MongoDB服务器的私有 IP地址(而不是公共IP地址)从EC2实例连接到MongoDB。

If you are using the public IP address (or the DNS name is resolving to the public IP address), then the connection will leave your VPC and re-enter, thus appearing to originate from the outside world. 如果您使用的是公共IP地址(或DNS名称已解析为公共IP地址),则该连接将离开您的VPC并重新输入,因此似乎来自外部世界。

By using the private IP address, then it can tell that it's coming from your security group. 通过使用专用IP地址,它可以告诉您它来自您的安全组。

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