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[英]Bash variable assignment strange behaviour

I am trying to write a bash script, while doing that am stuck here: 我正在尝试编写一个bash脚本,而这样做是困在这里:

I do not understand why this works: 我不明白为什么会这样:

echo $MSG

Output: 输出:


BUT this does not: 但这不是:

MSG=$(java -version)
echo $MSG

Output: 输出:


Please help! 请帮忙!

Some commands might need 2>&1 at the end to get any output: 某些命令最后可能需要2>&1来获取任何输出:

MSG=$(java -version 2>&1)

It sends any standard error(2) to wherever standard output(1) is redirected. 它将任何标准错误(2)发送到重定向标准输出(1)的任何位置。

Error messages are typically written to the standard error stream stderr instead of the standard output stream stdout . 错误消息通常写入标准错误流stderr而不是标准输出流stdout If java -version generates an error instead of what you expected (printing the version), it will likely do so to stderr . 如果java -version生成错误而不是您期望的错误(打印版本),它可能会对stderr执行此操作。 It is also possible that the version information could also printed to stderr . 版本信息也可以打印到stderr

The command substitution $() takes the output from stdout of what's inside the $() and substitutes it in its place. 命令替换$()接受来自$()内部的stdout的输出,并将其替换为它的位置。 In case of an error, this could be nothing. 如果出现错误,这可能不算什么。 If you are typing this from a terminal, you should still see any output (eg error messages) from java 's stderr in the terminal. 如果您从终端输入此内容,您仍应该看到终端中javastderr任何输出(例如错误消息)。

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