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SQL Server的数据源Microsoft JDBC驱动程序(AlwaysOn可用性组)

[英]Datasource Microsoft JDBC Driver for SQL Server (AlwaysOn Availability Groups)

I have a question related to the scenario when connecting from a Java application using the Microsoft JDBC Driver 4.0 to a SQL Server 2014 with AlwaysOn Availability Groups set up for high availability. 当从使用Microsoft JDBC Driver 4.0的Java应用程序连接到具有AlwaysOn可用性组以设置高可用性的SQL Server 2014 ,我遇到与场景有关的问题。

With this set up, we will be connecting to an availability group listener (specified in the db connecting string instead of any particular instance), so that the DB fail-over etc. is handled gracefully by the listener and it tries to connect to the next available instance behind the scenes if current primary goes down in the AG cluster. 通过此设置,我们将连接到可用性组侦听器(在db连接字符串中指定,而不是在任何特定实例中指定),以便该侦听器正常处理数据库故障转移等,并尝试连接到如果当前主要节点在AG集群中出现故障,则场景中的下一个可用实例。

Question(s) I have is, 我的问题是

  1. In the data-source that is configured on the j2ee application server side (we use WebSphere), what happens to those connections already pooled by the data-source? 在j2ee应用程序服务器端配置的数据源(我们使用WebSphere)中,那些已经由数据源池化的连接会发生什么?

  2. When a database goes down, though the AG listener would try to reconnect on the db side to the next available DB, will the AG Listener also through the jdbc driver send an event or something to the data-source created on the app server and make sure those connections that are already pooled by the datasource to be discarded and have it create new ones so that transactions on the application side wont fail (though they might for a while till new connections are created and fail over is successful) or the java application has to find out only after requesting it from the datasource? 当数据库发生故障时,尽管AG侦听器会尝试在db端重新连接到下一个可用的DB,但AG侦听器还会通过jdbc驱动程序向在应用服务器上创建的数据源发送事件或事件,并进行确保已经被数据源池化的那些连接将被丢弃并让其创建新连接,以使应用程序端的事务不会失败(尽管它们可能会持续一段时间,直到创建新连接并成功进行故障转移)或java应用程序仅在从数据源请求后才需要查找?

Version 4 of that SQL Server JDBC driver is old and doesn't know anything about the always on feature. 该SQL Server JDBC驱动程序的版本4很旧,对常开功能一无所知。

Any data source connection pool can be configured to check the status of the connection from the pool prior to doling it out to the client. 可以将任何数据源连接池配置为在将其分发给客户端之前检查来自该池的连接状态。 If the connection cannot be used the pool will create a new one. 如果无法使用该连接,则池将创建一个新的连接。 That's true of all vendors and versions. 所有供应商和版本都是如此。 I believe that's the best you can do. 我相信这是您可以做的最好的事情。

WebSphere Application Server is able to cope with bad connections and removes them from the pool. WebSphere Application Server能够处理错误的连接并将其从池中除去。 Exactly when this happens depends on some configurable options and on how fully the Microsoft JDBC driver takes advantage of the javax.sql.ConnectionEventListener API to send notifications to the application server. 究竟何时发生,取决于某些可配置的选项以及Microsoft JDBC驱动程序充分利用javax.sql.ConnectionEventListener API将通知发送到应用程序服务器的能力。 In the ideal case where a JDBC driver sends the connectionErrorOccurred event immediately for all connections, WebSphere Application Server responds by removing all of these connections from the pool and by marking any connection that is currently in-use as bad so that it does not get returned to the pool once the application closes the handle. 在理想的情况下,JDBC驱动程序立即为所有连接发送connectionErrorOccurred事件,WebSphere Application Server通过从池中除去所有这些连接并通过将当前正在使用的任何连接标记为不良来响应,从而不会返回它,从而做出响应。一旦应用程序关闭了句柄,就将池添加到池中。 Lacking this, WebSphere Application Server will discover the first bad connection upon next use by the application. 缺少此功能,WebSphere Application Server将在应用程序下次使用时发现第一个不良连接。 It is discovered either by a connectionErrorOcurred event that is sent by the JDBC driver at that time, or lacking that, upon inspecting the SQLState/error code of an exception for known indicators of bad connections. 可以通过当时由JDBC驱动程序发送的connectionErrorOcurred事件来发现它,或者通过检查异常的SQLState /错误代码以了解不良连接的已知指示器来发现该事件。 WebSphere Application Server then goes about purging bad connections from the pool according to the configured Purge Policy. 然后,WebSphere Application Server将根据已配置的清除策略从池中清除不良连接。 There are 3 options: 有3种选择:

  1. Purge Policy of Entire Pool - all connections are removed from the pool and in-use connections marked as bad so that they are not pooled. 整个池的清除策略-将所有连接从池中删除,并将正在使用的连接标记为不良,以便不对其进行池化。
  2. Purge Policy of Failing Connection Only - only the specific connection upon which the error actually occurred is removed from the pool or marked as bad and not returned to the pool 仅清除连接失败的清除策略-仅将实际发生错误的特定连接从池中删除或标记为不良而不返回到池中
  3. Purge Policy of Validate All Connections - all connections are tested for validity (Connection.isValid API) and connections found to be bad are removed from the pool or marked as bad and not returned to the pool. 验证所有连接的清除策略-测试所有连接的有效性(Connection.isValid API),发现不良的连接将从池中删除或标记为不良,而不返回到池中。 Connections found to be valid remain in the pool and continue to be used. 被发现有效的连接保留在池中并继续使用。

I'm not sure from your description if you are using WebSphere Application Server traditional or Liberty. 根据您的描述,我不确定您使用的是传统的WebSphere Application Server还是Liberty。 If traditional, there is an additional option for pre-testing connections as they are handed out of the pool, but be aware that turning this on can have performance implications. 如果是传统的,则在将连接从池中移出时,还可以使用其他选项进行预测试,但是请注意,将其打开可能会影响性能。 That said, the one thing to be aware of is that regardless of any of the above, your application will always need to be capable of handling the possibility of errors due to bad connections (even if the connection pool is cleared, connections can go bad while in use) and respond by requesting a new connection and retrying the operation in a new transaction. 就是说,需要注意的一件事是,无论上述任何情况如何,您的应用程序都将始终需要能够处理由于不良连接而导致的错误可能性(即使清除了连接池,连接也可能变为不良状态)并通过请求新的连接并在新的事务中重试该操作进行响应。

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