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使用Gulp Del否定父文件夹不起作用

[英]Negating Parent Folder with Gulp Del not working

I'm running into a problem where my build:cleanfolder task deletes the parent folder even though I negated the parent folder to prevent it get deleted. 我遇到一个问题,即使我否定了父文件夹以防止删除该文件夹,我的build:cleanfolder任务也会删除该父文件夹。

I use the following folder structure: 我使用以下文件夹结构:

Parent Folder
- gulp (gulp file/content)
- src (working dir)

And this is what the build:cleanfolder task looks like: 这就是build:cleanfolder任务的样子:

gulp.task('build:cleanfolder', function() {
        ], {force: true});

Basically both "../" and "ParentFolder" are negated, but somehow del ( https://www.npmjs.com/package/del ) still deletes the parent folder (and other content). 基本上,“ ../”和“ ParentFolder”都被否定,但是无论如何,del( https://www.npmjs.com/package/del )仍会删除父文件夹(和其他内容)。 Is there any other way to prevent this or am I missing something obvious? 还有其他方法可以防止这种情况吗?或者我缺少明显的东西吗?

Edit: Putting the '../**' on top of that list doesn't work either unfortunately 编辑:不幸的是,将“ ../**”放在该列表的顶部也不起作用

You can use the cwd option of node-glob to specifiy the current working directory. 您可以使用node-globcwd选项指定当前工作目录。 All globbing patterns will be relative to this directory: 所有浮动模式都将相对于此目录:

gulp.task('build:cleanfolder', function() {
        ], { force: true, cwd: '..' });

This deletes everything in ParentFolder except for the src and gulp folders and their respective contents. 这将删除一切ParentFolder除了srcgulp文件夹及其各自的内容。

This was the working solution I was given from the Github repo: 这是我从Github回购中获得的有效解决方案:

gulp.task('build:cleanfolder', function() {
  return del([               // Return the Promise!
        '!..',               // i.e. '../../ParentFolder'; Note: no trailing '/'!
        '!../gulp/**',       // exclude gulp and everything within
        '!../src/**',        // exclude src and everything within
        ], {
            force: true,
            //dryRun: true  // just for debugging
  ) //.then(console.log);  // just for debugging

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