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[英]C program to execute shell piping and redirection

somewhat new to this. 对此有些新意。 I am writing a C program that allows the user to input UNIX commands such as 我正在编写一个C程序,允许用户输入UNIX命令,例如

ls –la | wc -l  and ls | head > file.txt

I have the piping implemented, and a small amount of the redirection code finished. 我已经实现了管道,并且完成了少量的重定向代码。 currently, I can only execute commands like cat file1.txt > file2.txt , or other commands that END with redirection. 目前,我只能执行cat cat1.txt> file2.txt之类的命令,或者其他以重定向结束的命令。

If I comment out this segment - all chains of piping works fine. 如果我对此部分进行注释-所有管道链条都可以正常工作。

  char * srch;
  srch = strchr(cmd, '>');
  *srch++ = '\0';
  while(*srch == ' ')

    dup2(open(srch, O_RDWR|O_CREAT), STDOUT_FILENO);

my problem arises when I try to combine both piping and redirection into the same command such as cmd1 p1 p2 p3 < file1 | 当我尝试将管道传输和重定向合并到同一命令(例如cmd1 p1 p2 p3 <file1 | cmd2 > file2. cmd2> file2。 Or even simpler commands such as ls | 甚至更简单的命令,例如ls | head > file.txt 头> file.txt

can anyone help me to implement the ability to add redirection AND piping in the same command. 谁能帮助我实现在同一命令中添加重定向和管道的功能。 I've been trying but I can't figure it out. 我一直在尝试,但无法解决。

here's what I have so far: 这是我到目前为止的内容:

#include <errno.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <fcntl.h>

/*get args function*/

#define MAXARGS 256
char ** getargs(char * cmd) {
    // assumes that cmd ends with NULL
    char** argsarray;
    int nargs = 0;
    int nlen = strlen(cmd);
    int i = 0;
    argsarray = (char**) malloc(sizeof(char*) * MAXARGS);
    argsarray[0] = strtok(cmd," ");
    i = 0;
    while (argsarray[i] != NULL){
        argsarray[i] = strtok(NULL," ");
    return argsarray;

int main(void){

  pid_t childpid;
  int fd[256][2];
  char cmd[256];
  char * sepCmd[256];
  char * pch;

  printf("Please enter a command sequence: \n");
  //scanf("%s", cmd);
  printf("You have entered: %s \n", cmd);

  printf("Attempting to split up command: \n");
  pch = strtok (cmd, "|");

  //problems here...
  char * srch;
  srch = strchr(cmd, '>');
  *srch++ = '\0';
  while(*srch == ' ')

    dup2(open(srch, O_RDWR|O_CREAT), STDOUT_FILENO);

  int count = 0;  
    while (pch != NULL && count < 256) {
      printf("%s\n", pch);
      sepCmd[count] = pch;
      printf("The value in this array value is: %s\n", sepCmd[count]);
      pch = strtok (NULL, "|");

  char ** argue;
  int k;

  /* Block that deals with the first command given by the user */
  k = 0;
  if(!fork()) {
        dup2(fd[k][1], STDOUT_FILENO);
        argue = getargs(sepCmd[k]);
        execvp(argue[0], argue);

  /*Loop that will control all other comands except the last*/
  for(k = 1; k <= count - 2; k++) {

      if(!fork()) {
          dup2(fd[k-1][0], STDIN_FILENO);
          dup2(fd[k][1], STDOUT_FILENO);
          argue = getargs(sepCmd[k]);
          execvp(argue[0], argue);

  /*Block that will take care of the last command in the sequence*/
  k = count - 1;

  //  if(reDir){
  //argue = getargs(sepCmd[k]);
  //open(argue[count], O_RDWR);

  //  close(fd[0]);
  //  close(fd[1]);
  //  dup2(fd[k-1][0], STDOUT_FILENO);
  //  execl("/bin/>", argue[count]);}

  if(!fork()) {
      dup2(fd[k-1][0], STDIN_FILENO);
      argue = getargs(sepCmd[k]);
      execvp(argue[0], argue);
  // }
  while(waitpid(-1, NULL, 0) != -1);

Commented code is wrong. 注释的代码是错误的。 You are looking for '>' ( srch = strchr(cmd, '>') ) and without checking result, terminating expected result with '\\0'. 您正在寻找'>'( srch = strchr(cmd, '>') ),而没有检查结果,以'\\ 0'终止期望的结果。 So when there is no redirection user gets Segmentation fault momentarily, and when there is also nothing good happens. 因此,在没有重定向的情况下,用户会暂时出现细分错误,在没有任何好处的情况下,也会发生此情况。 Btw I would suggest getting rid of gets as it's very deprecated. 顺便说一句,我建议摆脱gets因为它已经过时了。 You will get implicit declaration of function 'gets' when compiling with --std=gnu11 . 使用--std=gnu11编译时,将implicit declaration of function 'gets' As for tips about implementation, looking in google shows many nice results like: https://github.com/dan-f/my_shell or maybe https://github.com/jmreyes/simple-c-shell so you can check how they have done it. 至于实现的技巧,在google中查看会显示许多不错的结果,例如: https : //github.com/dan-f/my_shellhttps://github.com/jmreyes/simple-c-shell,以便您可以查看如何他们做到了。

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