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[英]Angular2 Data binding with data from service

I have this component 我有这个组件

    templateUrl: './app/component/template/actualstate.template.html',
    styleUrls: ['./app/component/style/actualstate.style.css'],
    pipes: [MomentPipe, CapitalizePipe]
export class ActualStateComponent implements OnInit {
    public room: Room;

    constructor(private roomService: RoomService) {

        roomService.roomSelected$.subscribe(room => this.onRoomSelected(room));

    onRoomSelected(room: Room) {
        this.room = room;
        console.log("room", room);

and this other component 和其他组件

    templateUrl: './src/admin/template/admin.template.html',
    styleUrls: ['./src/admin/style/admin.style.css'],
    providers: [UserService]
export class AdminComponent{

    constructor ( private roomService: RoomService) {

    onClick () {


, this service : ,此服务:

export class RoomService {

    private route_room = "public/mock/room.json";
    public roomSelected$: EventEmitter<Room>;

    constructor (private http: Http) {
        this.roomSelected$ = new EventEmitter();

    public selectRoom (subdomain: string, id: string) {
           // pick the right room
           let room = ...


    private handleError (error: Response) {
        return Observable.throw(error.json().error || 'Server error');

And this template : 和这个模板:

<div class="actual-state" *ngIf="room">
<h3>Salle {{ room.name }}

The purpose is : Admin component (user click on some button) -> Listener OnClick calls a method on service roomService -> roomService emit an event (that is public) -> appComponent listen to this event (.subscribe) 目的是:管理组件(用户单击某些按钮)->侦听器OnClick在service roomService上调用方法-> roomService发出事件(是公共的)-> appComponent侦听此事件(.subscribe)

I have no clue why this is not working. 我不知道为什么这不起作用。 The <h3> is never showing .. even though the console.log(room) display something in the console... <h3>从不显示..即使console.log(room)在控制台中显示了某些内容...

How does this data binding working ? 此数据绑定如何工作? Because it just looks like data are not two-way bound ... 因为它看起来像数据不是双向绑定的 ...

EDIT : i understood the problem, it was related to the routing i made. 编辑:我了解问题,这与我所做的路由有关。 in fact i did'nt understand the fact that component of a route is destroyed when you change the route 实际上,我不了解以下事实:更改路线时会破坏路线的组成部分

I guess you need to subscribe 我想你需要订阅

return this.http.get(this.route_room)
                    .map(res => res.json())
                    .do(data => {
                    .subscribe(value => {})

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