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[英]How to Remove White Space

I am designing a responsive web page. 我正在设计一个响应式网页。 Actually what's happening is though i am setting the width of my header and wrapper with the screen size still I guess it is taking more space due to which a horizontal scroll bar appears down the screen and also the position of buttons are varying from display to display though i am taking the screen size px Here is the code 实际上发生了什么,尽管我仍在用屏幕尺寸设置标题和包装器的宽度,但我猜这会占用更多空间,这是因为水平滚动条出现在屏幕下方,而且按钮的位置因显示器而异虽然我正在屏幕尺寸px这是代码

    var a=window.screen.availWidth;
    var b=(0.20 * window.screen.availHeight);
    var c=(0.60 * window.screen.availHeight);


 $("#logo1").css("position", "absolute");




/* $('#d12').css("position","absolute");

 $('#css3menu1').css("position", "absolute");

 $('#videos').css("position", "absolute");

 $('#studymaterial1').css("position", "absolute");

 $('#downloads').css("position", "absolute");




I would suggest you to use media queries , instead of js. 我建议您使用media queries ,而不是js。 Only if you are trying to make a support of a veeery old browsers, there is a tiny possibility, that js would be needed to make adoptive layout. 仅当您尝试支持老式的浏览器时,才有可能需要js来进行收养式布局。 For every modern browser, just use the media queries . 对于每种现代浏览器,只需使用media queries Basic info you can read on the link : media queries 您可以在链接上阅读的基本信息: 媒体查询

By the way, you can look at popular adoptive css frameworks, like bootstrap , foundation or or others. 顺便说一下,您可以查看流行的过继css框架,例如bootstrapfoundation或其他。 They provide more or less complete adoptivness from the box, and you can customize it for your needs. 他们从包装盒中提供了或多或少的完全采用性,您可以根据需要进行自定义。

Okay, there is a lot of stuff going on here. 好的,这里有很多东西。 On a basic level, you can think of a web frontend as being divided between Content (HTML), Style (CSS), and Animation/Interaction (JavaScript). 从根本上讲,您可以将Web前端划分为内容(HTML),样式(CSS)和动画/交互(JavaScript)。 I'm oversimplifying a bit, as you can do animations in CSS, and JavaScript is becoming much more complex and important, but at a basic level this way of thinking works. 我稍微简化了一点,因为您可以使用CSS制作动画,而JavaScript变得越来越复杂和重要,但是从根本上讲,这种思维方式有效。

So in your HTML file, you should define the content of your page. 因此,在HTML文件中,您应该定义页面的内容。 Then link to a CSS file in which you define the styles and appearance. 然后链接到您在其中定义样式和外观的CSS文件。

https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/link https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/link

In your CSS, you can use media queries to define styles based on the size of the window, which will help you to create a responsive site. 在CSS中,您可以使用媒体查询根据窗口的大小定义样式,这将帮助您创建响应式站点。 Media queries are the industry standard for responsive web. 媒体查询是自适应Web的行业标准。

https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/Media_Queries/Using_media_queries https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/Media_Queries/Using_media_queries

If your site gets a bit more complicated, you might want to look into using a front-end CSS framework, like Bootstrap or Foundation . 如果您的站点变得更加复杂,则可能需要考虑使用前端CSS框架,例如BootstrapFoundation These are both build from the ground up to support responsive web design and will abstract away a lot of the complexity therein. 这些都是从头开始构建的,以支持响应式Web设计,并且将消除其中的许多复杂性。

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