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[英]Symfony security redirect to login page

If I have a secured route, let's say like panel from below, Symfony will allow access only to logged in users. 如果我有一个安全路线,让我们说下面的panel ,Symfony将只允许登录用户访问。

    - { path: ^/login$, role: IS_AUTHENTICATED_ANONYMOUSLY }
    - { path: ^/register, role: IS_AUTHENTICATED_ANONYMOUSLY }
    - { path: ^/resetting, role: IS_AUTHENTICATED_ANONYMOUSLY }
    - { path: ^/panel, role: ROLE_USER }

For users that are not logged in it will always redirect them to the login_path (I'm using FOSUserBundle): 对于未登录的用户,它总是将它们重定向到login_path(我正在使用FOSUserBundle):

            pattern: ^/
                provider: fos_userbundle
                login_path:     fos_user_security_login

Where can I disable or override this redirect? 我在哪里可以禁用或覆盖此重定向? I want to show a login form directly, without redirecting the user. 我想直接显示登录表单,而不重定向用户。

I believe it has to do with AccessDeniedHandlerInterface , but what key needs to be overwritten in security.yml? 我相信它与AccessDeniedHandlerInterface ,但是在security.yml中需要覆盖哪些密钥? And where is the default implementation? 默认实现在哪里?

For other situations we have DefaultLogoutSuccessHandler, DefaultAuthenticationFailureHandler, DefaultAuthenticationSuccessHandler and we can implement a service for each of these situations, that extends their respective interfaces and can handle the situation in a custom manner. 对于其他情况,我们有DefaultLogoutSuccessHandler, DefaultAuthenticationFailureHandler, DefaultAuthenticationSuccessHandler ,我们可以为每种情况实现一个服务,扩展它们各自的接口并以自定义方式处理这种情况。 Can't find anything for AccessDenied, though. 但是,找不到AccessDenied的任何内容。 Its directory contains only the interface. 其目录仅包含接口。

I would do this manually. 我会手动完成这个。

Make your route accessible by anonymous: 通过匿名访问您的路线:

- { path: ^/panel, role: [IS_AUTHENTICATED_ANONYMOUSLY, ROLE_USER] }

In your template, check if there is a logged in user: 在模板中,检查是否有登录用户:

{% if app.user is null %}
    <!-- Then display your login form -->
{% else %}
    <!-- Display the normal view -->
{% endif %}

Or do it from the controller: 或者从控制器执行:

if (!is_object($this->get('security.token_storage')->getToken()->getUser())) {
    // Render the login form

Like this, you can make your logic depending on that the user is authenticated or not. 像这样,您可以根据用户的身份验证来制作逻辑。

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