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[英]Handling the OAuth2 Client Credentials flow

I'm having trouble wrapping my head around implementing the client-credentials flow on the client side. 我在解决在客户端实施客户端凭证流方面遇到麻烦。 Say the client requests a secure endpoint in an API without being authorized. 假设客户未经授权就请求API中的安全端点。 The API will respond with 401 and that's that? API将以401响应,仅此而已? As i understand it the client-credential flow should not require any user interaction, am i correct? 据我了解,客户端凭证流不需要任何用户交互,我是对的吗? Specifically, the client should not need to click, say, a button "Authorize client" before visiting any page that accesses protected resources? 具体来说,客户端是否不需要在访问任何访问受保护资源的页面之前单击“授权客户端”按钮?

You're right that there is no user interaction necessary. 没错,没有必要进行用户交互。 However, you must call the /token endpoint (with your credentials) to get back a token that you will later use in your API request's Authorization header. 但是,您必须调用/ token端点(使用您的凭据)以获取令牌,该令牌稍后将在API请求的Authorization标头中使用。

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