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如何找到所有以“ control key”开头的vim映射?

[英]How to find all vim mappings starting with “control key”?

In vim: 在vim中:

  • :map list all key mappings :map列出所有键映射
  • :map {lhs} list all key mappings for the key sequences starting with {lhs}. :map {lhs}列出所有以{lhs}开头的键序列的键映射。

How do you seach for "all key mappings starting with the control key" ? 您如何寻找“所有从控制键开始的键映射”?

(I know I can still list all mappings, redirect the output to a file and grep; but it is not very efficient). (我知道我仍然可以列出所有映射,将输出重定向到文件和grep;但这不是很有效)。

Thanks ! 谢谢 !

No, there's no direct, built-in, method for that. 不,没有直接的内置方法。

What you can do instead is: 您可以做的是:

:redir @a    redirect output of next command to register a
:map         list mappings
:redir END   end redirection
:vnew        edit new buffer in vertical window
:put a       put content of register a
:v/<C-/d     delete all lines not matching '<C-'

Which you could turn easily into a function. 您可以轻松地将其转换为功能。

If you want a sorted, searchable list of :maps output in which to search for <C- , you can do the following: 如果需要:maps输出的可搜索列表,可在其中搜索<C- ,则可以执行以下操作:

function! s:ShowMaps()
  let old_reg = getreg("a")          " save the current content of register a
  let old_reg_type = getregtype("a") " save the type of the register as well
  redir @a                           " redirect output to register a
  " Get the list of all key mappings silently, satisfy "Press ENTER to continue"
  silent map | call feedkeys("\<CR>")    
  redir END                          " end output redirection
  vnew                               " new buffer in vertical window
  put a                              " put content of register
  " Sort on 4th character column which is the key(s)
  %!sort -k1.4,1.4
finally                              " Execute even if exception is raised
  call setreg("a", old_reg, old_reg_type) " restore register a
com! ShowMaps call s:ShowMaps()      " Enable :ShowMaps to call the function

nnoremap \m :ShowMaps<CR>            " Map keys to call the function

This is a robust function to create a vertical split with the sorted output of :maps . 这是一个强大的功能,可使用:maps的排序输出创建垂直拆分。 I put it in my vimrc . 我把它放在了vimrc

The last line maps the two keys \\ m to call the function, change this as you wish. 最后一行映射两个键\\ m以调用该函数,并根据需要更改它。

Note: This will will not include vim's default commands like Ctrl-a to increment a number, as they are not made with map . 注意:这将不包括vim的默认命令(如Ctrl-a)来增加数字,因为它们不是使用map See :help index for these. 请参阅:help index

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