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[英]How to use angularJS with Yeoman's webapp-generator

I'd like to use AngularJS in my Webapp generator setup. 我想在Webapp生成器设置中使用AngularJS。 (I know there is an angular generator, but I prefer the folder structure of the Webapp generator). (我知道有一个角度生成器,但是我更喜欢Webapp生成器的文件夹结构)。

I have installed Angular with bower install angular --save and have the reference to the js file in my index: 我已经用bower install angular --save安装了Angular并在我的索引中有对js文件的引用:

<!-- build:js scripts/vendor.js -->
<!-- bower:js -->
<script src="/bower_components/jquery/dist/jquery.js"></script>
<script src="/bower_components/angular/angular.js"></script>
<!-- endbower -->
<!-- endbuild -->

<!-- build:js scripts/main.js -->
<script src="scripts/main.js"></script>
<script src="scripts/controllers/MainController.js"></script>
<!-- endbuild -->

When I run gulp serve, it all works perfectly. 当我运行gulp服务时,一切正常。

But, when I run gulp default (and try to open the website elswhere, after copying the contents of the dist folder), i get an error injecting my controller: 但是,当我运行gulp default (并在复制dist文件夹的内容后尝试打开网站elswhere)时,注入控制器时出错:

Error: [$injector:unpr] Unknown provider: eProvider <- e <- MainCtrl

Here's my folder structure: 这是我的文件夹结构:

-> scripts
->-> Controllers
->->-> MainController.js
->-> main.js

Here's main.js: 这是main.js:

var app = angular.module('PentiaExercise', []);

And here's MainController.js: 这是MainController.js:

 * Created by kv on 24/02/16.
app.controller('MainCtrl', function ($scope) {
  $scope.user = {};
  $scope.showSuccess = false;
  $scope.registerFormSubmitted = false;

  //Some other code...

What can be wrong? 有什么事吗 And/or what is the correct way to use Angular in a setup using Yeoman's webapp generator? 和/或使用Yeoman的webapp生成器在设置中使用Angular的正确方法是什么?

If you are minifying your code try this: 如果要缩小代码,请尝试以下操作:

app.controller('MainCtrl', ['$scope', function ($scope) {
  $scope.user = {};
  $scope.showSuccess = false;
  $scope.registerFormSubmitted = false;

  //Some other code...

When the code are minified the ...function ($scope) is changed to something like function (e) then the angular can find e to inject, but if you use like this: ['$scope', function ($scope) { ... the code minified will be something like this ['$scope', function (e) {. 当代码缩小时,...函数($ scope)更改为函数(e),则角度可以找到要注入的e,但是如果您这样使用:['$ scope',function($ scope) {...压缩后的代码将是这样的['$ scope',function(e){。 So when the angular do the inject he find the '$scope' and inject in e variable. 因此,当进行角度注入时,他找到“ $ scope”并注入e变量。

Alright, I'm gonna be doing lots of predictions here, but I'm somewhat confident I'm heading the right way. 好吧,我将在这里做很多预测,但是我有一定的信心要朝着正确的方向前进。

Two things make me believe that your latter command, gulp default , minifies your js files: 有两件事使我相信您的后一个命令gulp gulp default 最小化您的js文件:

  • you're mentioning the dist folder, that is typically used for the dist ribution 您提到的是dist文件夹,通常用于dist ribution
  • the error message refers to a e resource (that looks very much like a minified variable name). 错误消息引用了e资源(看起来非常像缩小的变量名)。

What's going on, in my opinion, is that your code in main.js , somewhere used to contain something similar to: 我认为这是在main.js中的代码曾经包含类似以下内容的地方:

myApp.controller('MainController', require('./scripts/Controllers/MainController.js'));

... and your MainController.js looks like the following: ...,您的MainController.js如下所示:

function ($scope) {

What's happening, when your code is minified, is the following, in MainController.js : 当代码最小化时,在MainController.js发生了以下情况:

function (e) {

So, one the require s are resolved, your compiled and minified script looks like: 因此,一个require得以解决,您的编译和缩小脚本如下所示:

a.controller('MainController', function (e) {

... and Angular is trying to provide your controller with the e service, which does not exist. ...并且Angular试图为您的控制器提供e服务,该服务存在。

You have to declare your controller using explicit injection, when minifying your sources: 在最小化源代码时,必须使用显式注入声明控制器:

myApp.controller(MainController, ['$scope', require('./scripts/Controllers/MainController.js')]);

This way, Angular will still know what to provide your Controller with, regardless of how its parameters are named. 这样, Angular仍然知道为控制器提供什么,而不管其参数如何命名。

Cheers! 干杯!

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