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Microsoft Dynamics CRM API

[英]Microsoft Dynamics CRM API

I've been tasked to create an API where a web page (developed externally) should be able to communicate with a CRM system. 我的任务是创建一个API(该API由外部开发的网页)可以与CRM系统进行通信。 I've looked into the CRM SDK and created a couple of C# classes that perform some basic operations to get a feeling of it, but my main issue now is what should I give the web page's developer so that he can use what I have. 我研究了CRM SDK,并创建了一些C#类,它们执行一些基本操作来了解它,但是现在我的主要问题是我应该给网页开发人员以什么,以便他可以使用现有的功能。 Does it have to be a REST/SOAP API hosted on the domain of the CRM so that the web page can send queries or can I create a DLL from the c# project and give that to the web page's developer? 它必须是托管在CRM的域上的REST / SOAP API,以便网页可以发送查询,还是可以从c#项目创建DLL并将其交给网页开发人员?

In fact, how would it work out if it's a REST API if CRM is hosted by Dynamics/Microsoft? 实际上,如果CRM是由Dynamics / Microsoft托管的,那么如果它是REST API怎么办?

You are looking to create a wrapper around the Dynamics CRM Api to support development of an application that interfaces with Dynamics CRM. 您正在寻求围绕Dynamics CRM Api创建包装程序,以支持与Dynamics CRM交互的应用程序的开发。 There are two ways to do this: 有两种方法可以做到这一点:

  1. Create a hosted web service. 创建一个托管的Web服务。
  2. Generate a DLL with public methods. 使用公共方法生成DLL。

If you are okay with the developer-user having to configure a connection string for Dynamics CRM and the application is being developed in a .NET language and the CRM server is addressable from the location where the application runs than # 2, generate a DLL with public methods, is the easier answer. 如果开发人员用户不必为Dynamics CRM配置连接字符串,并且正在以.NET语言开发应用程序,并且可从应用程序运行位置(比#2更高的位置)访问CRM服务器,则可以使用公用方法,是较简单的答案。

If any of those are not true you are likely to find that # 1, a hosted web service, is a better fit. 如果其中任何一个都不正确,则您可能会发现#1托管Web服务更合适。

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