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Vue.js和Vue-i18n,JSON从$ ajax到对象文字

[英]Vue.js and vue-i18n, json from $ajax to object literals

I am using Vue.js with the plugin vue-i18n for internationalization purposes. 我将Vue.js和插件vue-i18n一起用于国际化。 It accepts a lang and a locales parameters, the later being a list of property names and associated values ( object literals ). 它接受langlocales参数,后面是属性名称和关联值( object literals )的列表。 As such, referencing an object literals list, either directly in the locales option or stored in a local variable works as expected, such as in the example below: 这样,直接在locales选项中或存储在本地变量中的引用object literals列表可以按预期方式工作,例如下面的示例:

var locales = {
    "en": {
        "menu": {
            "about": "about",
            "news": "news",
            "contact": "contact"
    "fr": {
        "menu": {
            "about": "à propos",
            "news": "actualités",
            "contact": "contacter"

Vue.use(VueI18n, {
    lang: 'fr',
    locales: locales

Please note that despite the formatting (the double quotes all the way through the list), the above is not a json array , but an object literals list with string literals for the name of the properties . 请注意,尽管采用了格式设置(双引号始终贯穿列表),但上面的内容不是json array ,而是object literals列表,其中包含属性名称的string literals

Now, what I've been struggling about is to relying on a Json file instead of declaring an object literals list directly in my script. 现在,我一直在努力依靠Json文件,而不是直接在脚本中声明object literals列表。 For instance, I've tried an ajax request, such as this: 例如,我尝试了一个ajax请求,例如:

Vue.use(VueI18n, {
    lang: 'fr',
    locales: $.ajax({
                 url: "../resources/i18n/locales.json",
                 dataType: "json",
                 type: "GET",
                 success: function(data) {

The url string is pointing at a locales.json file with the exact same data and formatting as above, with the only difference that it is written inside square brackets. url字符串指向具有与上述完全相同的数据和格式的locales.json文件,唯一的区别是它写在方括号内。

I haven't had much success with this approach though, which in my mind doesn't make a lot of sense since data seems to be correctly parsed. 我还没有与这种做法很成功,虽然,这在我的脑海里,因为不会使一个很有意义data似乎被正确解析。 This is what I get in the console: 这是我在控制台中得到的:

  0: Object
    en: Object
      menu: Object
        about: "about"
        contact: "contact"
        news: "news"
    fr: Object
      menu: Object
        about: "à propos"
        contact: "contacter"
        news: "actualités"

I wonder what I'm doing wrong? 我想知道我做错了什么吗?

$.ajax returns an xmlHttpRequest object, not a value. $.ajax返回xmlHttpRequest对象,而不是值。 You have to wait until the callback function of ajax before the value is available: 您必须等到ajax的回调函数才可以使用该值:

    url: "../resources/i18n/locales.json",
    dataType: "json",
    type: "GET",
    success: function(data) {
        Vue.use(VueI18n, {
            lang: 'fr',
            locales: data

This also assumes that Vue is available globally 这也假定Vue在全球范围内都可用

You could try this approach: 您可以尝试这种方法:

// install the plugin

// load the `fr` locale dynamically
  function () {
    // should return a promise
    return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
  function () {
    vue.config.lang = lang

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