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[英]How to selectively consume message from Tibco queue

I have two applications which send a JMS event to another system and the response message will be picked up by Message consumers in both applications. 我有两个应用程序,它们将JMS事件发送到另一个系统,并且这两个应用程序中的消息使用者将接收响应消息。 But they need to ignore the message if its not meant to their application. 但是,如果消息不适合其应用程序,则他们需要忽略该消息。

I can pass some identifier to the external system which they can send it back. 我可以将一些标识符传递给外部系统,他们可以将其发送回去。 But how do i configure selective listening? 但是我该如何配置选择性收听?

I am using Spring DMLC container for listening 我正在使用Spring DMLC容器进行监听

Set a header and use a selector expression . 设置标题并使用选择器表达式

eg myHeader='foo' 例如myHeader='foo'

As the javadoc says, see the JMS Spec for complete syntax. 如javadoc所说,请参阅JMS Spec以获取完整语法。

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