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[英]Integrating Angular.js with Rails

Background 背景

I'm getting started with building an app with an Angular.js front end and a Rails back end. 我开始使用Angular.js前端和Rails后端构建应用程序。 Working through the thinkster tutorial, I believe I just need bower to help me install the angular and bootstrap packages (basically the front end dependencies). 通过thinkster教程,我相信我只需要Bower即可帮助我安装angular和bootstrap软件包(基本上是前端依赖项)。 Then I need to require the packages through the asset pipeline in Rails, use a few additional gems, and I should be good to go. 然后,我需要通过Rails中的资产管道要求这些软件包,使用一些额外的gem,这应该很好。

Problem 问题

To see if things are working properly, I have a very simple _home.html file in app/assets/javascripts/home and that should be loaded up through ui-router under the 'home' state (ui-router configuration is in app.js). 为了查看一切是否正常,我在app / assets / javascripts / home中有一个非常简单的_home.html文件,应通过ui-router在“ home”状态下加载该文件(ui-router配置在应用程序中)。 js)。 The end result should be a page that displays "ScholarShipIt" and "Home Template" when the ui-view state is loaded correctly. 最终结果应该是正确加载ui视图状态时显示“ ScholarShipIt”和“主页模板”的页面。 However, it just displays "ScholarShipIt" which tells me that the state isn't loading. 但是,它仅显示“ ScholarShipIt”,告诉我状态未加载。

Troubleshooting 故障排除

I have tried outputting text to the console at various places in the js files to see where things are loading. 我尝试将文本输出到js文件中各个位置的控制台,以查看加载的位置。 I've also tried setting $scope.test in the app.js file and then setting up an expression to display that value but that did not work either. 我也尝试过在app.js文件中设置$ scope.test,然后设置一个表达式来显示该值,但这也不起作用。 My impression is that the angular packages are not being loaded up properly and I'm not sure what I'm missing. 我的印象是,角度包没有正确加载,我不确定自己缺少什么。

Code Samples 代码样例

Relevant gems used 所使用的相关宝石

gem 'angular-rails-templates'
gem 'angular-ui-bootstrap-rails'
gem 'angular_rails_csrf'
gem 'responders'
gem 'sprockets'

application.js application.js

//= require angular
//= require angular-rails-templates
//= require angular-ui-router
//= require angular-ui-bootstrap
//= require_tree .

app.js app.js

  var app = angular.module('scholarShipIt', ['ui.router','templates']);

  app.config(function($stateProvider, $urlRouterProvider){

      .state('home', {
      url: '/home',
      controller: 'HomeController',
      templateUrl: 'home/_home.html'



HomeController.js HomeController.js

(function() {
  var app = angular.module('scholarShipIt');

  var HomeController = function($scope) {
    $scope.test = "testing";

  app.controller('HomeController', HomeController);

Main Question 主要问题

What am I missing from my application that Rails needs to load the angular files? 我的应用程序中缺少什么,Rails需要加载角度文件?

(I'd be curious to know how you usually set up your application for this as well) (我很想知道您通常也如何为此设置应用程序)

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