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[英]Register and resolve open generic types with many generic parameters with Autofac

I would like to resolve an open generic service due to a generic interface. 由于通用接口,我想解决一个开放的通用服务。 I use autofac. 我使用autofac。

Each concrete service works only with concrete classes. 每个具体服务仅适用于具体类。

I can resolve only one service with single generic param [see SingleOpenGenericResolveTest ]. 我只能使用单个generic param来解析一项服务[请参见SingleOpenGenericResolveTest ]。 Is it possible to register & resolve many services with many T-params [see MultiOpenGenericResolveTest ]? 是否可以使用许多T-params注册和解析许多服务[请参见MultiOpenGenericResolveTest ]?

I added only one of concrete classes for IService but it possible to be many classes of T . 我仅为IService添加了一个具体的类,但可能有T许多类。 ( TRegion : Region, TRegion : BigRegion , etc...) TRegion : Region, TRegion : BigRegion等)

Here is NUnit 3 tests or you can download my solution here : https://www.dropbox.com/s/vqmdwb6hwmzgjrb/AutofacResolveTests.zip?dl=0 这是NUnit 3测试,或者您可以在此处下载我的解决方案: https ://www.dropbox.com/s/vqmdwb6hwmzgjrb/AutofacResolveTests.zip?dl =0

using System;
using NUnit.Framework;
using Autofac;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Linq;

namespace AutofacResolveTests
    public class Address<TCity, TRegion, TSomethingElse>
        where TCity : City<TRegion>, new()
        where TRegion : Region, new()
        where TSomethingElse : SomethingElse, new()
        public int Id { get; set; }
        TCity City { get; set; }
        TRegion Region { get; set; }
        TSomethingElse SomethingElse { get; set; }

    public class City<TRegion>
        where TRegion : Region, new()
        public int Id { get; set; }
        TRegion Region { get; set; }

    public class Region
        public int Id { get; set; }

    public class SomethingElse
        public int Id { get; set; }

    public interface IService<T> where T : class
        void DoSomething(T entity);

    public class AddressService<TAddress, TCity, TRegion, TSomethingElse> : IService<TAddress>
        where TAddress : Address<TCity, TRegion, TSomethingElse>
        where TCity : City<TRegion>, new()
        where TRegion : Region, new()
        where TSomethingElse : SomethingElse, new()
        public void DoSomething(TAddress entity)
            Console.WriteLine("Hello from address service");

    public class CityService<TCity, TRegion> : IService<TCity>
        where TCity : City<TRegion>, new()
        where TRegion : Region, new()
        public void DoSomething(TCity entity)
            Console.WriteLine("Hello from city service");

    public class RegionService<TRegion> : IService<TRegion>
        where TRegion : Region
        public void DoSomething(TRegion entity)
            Console.WriteLine("Hello from region service");

    public class OpenGenericResolveTests
        IContainer _ioc;

        public void Setup()
            var container = new ContainerBuilder();
        //manual types registration - works
        container.RegisterType(typeof(CityService<City<Region>, Region>)).As(typeof(IService<City<Region>>)).AsImplementedInterfaces();
            Address<City<Region>, Region, SomethingElse>, City<Region>, Region, SomethingElse
            Address<City<Region>, Region, SomethingElse>

            var type = typeof(IService<>);
            //just get all services which implements IService
            var generics = type.Assembly.GetTypes().Where(x =>
            && x.Name.Contains("Service")
            && x.IsGenericType
            && x.GetInterfaces().Any(i => i.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == type)

            foreach (var svcType in generics)

            _ioc = container.Build();

        public void SingleOpenGenericResolveTest()
            var reg = new Region { };

            var actual = _ioc.Resolve<IService<Region>>();
            Assert.That(actual != null);


        public void MultiOpenGenericResolveTest()
            var actual1 = _ioc.Resolve<IService<Region>>();
            Assert.That(actual1 != null);

            //works only with manual registration
            var actual2 = _ioc.Resolve<IService<City<Region>>>();
            Assert.That(actual2 != null);

            //works only with manual registration
            var actual3 = _ioc.Resolve<IService<Address<City<Region>,Region,SomethingElse>>>();
            Assert.That(actual3 != null);


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