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[英]How does C# compiler determine reference equality in generic methods when operator overloads for a specified type exists?

Currently going through Jon Skeet's "C# In Depth, 3rd edition" and I have a small question concerning reference equality. 目前正在研究乔恩·斯基特(Jon Skeet)的“ C#In Depth,第3版”,我对引用相等有一个小问题。 For those interested, the following code is a small variation of Jon's code from Chptr 3. p.80: 对于感兴趣的人,以下代码是Chptr 3 p.80的Jon代码的很小变化:

Public Function stored in a class; 公共功能存储在一个类中; note that 'T' is constrained to reference types: 请注意,“ T”仅限于引用类型:

    public static bool AreReferencesEqual<T>(T i1, T i2) where T : class
        return i1 == i2;

Driver method: 驱动方式:

    static void Main(string[] args)
        string name = "Joe";
        string one = "one" + name;
        string two = "one" + name;
        // test one (uses string operator== overload, and returns true)
        Console.WriteLine(one == two);

        // test two (according to Jon, when the compiler compiles the generic method,
        // it has no idea what overloads will be provided, and therefore treats
        // the == comparison with respect to the more general 'object' type.
        // Therefore this method should return false because, of course, the value
        // of the references 'one' and 'two' are not the same.
        Console.WriteLine(ReferenceEquality.AreReferencesEqual(one, two));

In consistency with Jon's explanation, the output of the driver file when I run it is "True", "False". 与Jon的解释一致,运行该驱动程序文件时,输出为“ True”,“ False”。 Now, I thought I understood this completely, but I was surprised when I changed the driver file to this: 现在,我以为我完全理解了这一点,但是当我将驱动程序文件更改为此时,我感到很惊讶:

    static void Main(string[] args)
        string one = "one";
        string two = "one";
        Console.WriteLine(one == two);
        Console.WriteLine(ReferenceEquality.AreReferencesEqual(one, two));

and saw "True", "True" on the output. 并在输出上看到“ True”,“ True”。 What is the reasoning behind this? 这背后的原因是什么? Is the generic method now using the string operator== overload, or are the references indeed equal as a result of some subtle compiler technique I am unaware of? 现在是使用字符串operator ==重载的通用方法,还是由于我不知道的某些微妙的编译器技术,引用确实相等吗? Or have I completely missed the boat and misinterpreted Jon's explanation? 还是我完全错过了船,误解了乔恩的解释?

Thanks for taking the time to read and respond. 感谢您抽出宝贵的时间阅读和回复。

They are reference-equivalent because the compiler is using the same underlying string because the constants match. 它们是引用等效的,因为常量匹配,因此编译器使用相同的基础字符串。 Strings (behind the scenes) are immutable in C# - when you add strings together, a new string instance is generated - that never happens in your second code set, so they are, in fact, both referencing the same chunk of bytes in RAM. 字符串(在幕后)在C#中是不可变的-当您将字符串添加在一起时,会生成一个新的字符串实例-在第二个代码集中永远不会发生,因此,它们实际上都引用RAM中相同的字节块。

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