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Python Connect 4游戏-机载X版

[英]Python Connect 4 Game- Print X on Board

I am trying to create a connect four game but I cannot figure out how to print the checkers on the board. 我正在尝试创建一个四通游戏,但我不知道如何在棋盘上打印棋子。 I need it to print the X at the lowest available spot in the column that the user inputted. 我需要它在用户输入的列中的最低可用位置打印X。 Each time I run the program, I get the same blank 6 by 7 board. 每次运行程序时,我都会得到相同的空白乘以6乘7板。 Please help. 请帮忙。 thank you! 谢谢!


win = False

for row in range(numRows):
    for col in range(numCols):

while not win:
    turn = (turn+1)%numPlayers

    userCol = input ("Player"+str(turn+1)+"please enter your col: ")
    while not userCol.isdigit() or not int(userCol) in range(numCols):
        userCol = input ("Player"+str(turn+1)+"please enter your col: ")

    for row in range(numRows):
        for col in range(numCols):
            print(board[row][col], end='')

    for repeat in range(numRows-2):
        for row in range(numRows,-1,-1):
            for col in range(numCols):
                if board[row][int(userCol)]==".":

#print board
for row in range(numRows):
    for col in range(numCols):
            print(board[row+1][userCol],end=' ')

print ("Player", checkers[turn],"has won the game.")

Here's what I noticed: 这是我注意到的:

  • Lines 24-27: This will print the unmodified board after a player drops a checker; 第24至27行:玩家放下检查器后,这将打印未修改的棋盘; perhaps this should be after lines 29-35 instead? 也许应该在第29-35行之后?
  • Line 30: Looks like an off-by-one error, you might want range(numRows - 1, -1, -1) or reversed(range(numRows)) instead. 第30行:看起来像是一个错误的错误,您可能希望使用range(numRows - 1, -1, -1)reversed(range(numRows))
  • Line 29: Why is it necessary to repeat the empty-space check? 第29行:为什么必须重复空白检查?
  • Line 31: What does this do? 第31行:这是做什么的? It iterates over each column, sure, but why is that necessary? 当然,它会遍历每一列,但是为什么有必要这样做呢? You already know what column was requested, so why go over each column again? 您已经知道请求了哪一列,那么为什么要再次遍历每列?
  • Lines 32-33: Seems to read "if the space is empty, place a checker in the slot below it". 第32-33行:似乎读为“如果空间为空,请在其下方的插槽中放置一个检查器”。 I'm thinking you probably want board[row][int(userCol)] = 'X' instead 我想您可能要用board[row][int(userCol)] = 'X'代替
  • Line 41: Looks like another off-by-one error, row+1 should be row . 第41行:看起来像是另一个错误, row+1应该是row Also, should userCol just be col ? 另外, userCol应该只是col吗? Otherwise it'll only be printing one column instead of the entire final board. 否则,它将只打印一列,而不是整个最终版。

General remarks: 一般说明:

Generally you can achieve more concise and readable python code by avoiding the for i in range(x): do_something(mylist[i]) anti-pattern and instead using python-style iteration: for item in mylist: do_something(item) . 通常,通过避免for i in range(x): do_something(mylist[i])for i in range(x): do_something(mylist[i])反模式,而使用python样式的迭代: for item in mylist: do_something(item)可以实现更简洁和可读的python代码。

I would re-write lines 29-35. 我将重新编写29-35行。 But before you do so, ask yourself exactly what those lines are supposed to do. 但是在您这样做之前,请先问问自己这些行应该做什么。 If I understand the task correctly, you should only need one for loop there. 如果我对任务的理解正确,那么那里只需要一个for循环即可。

Ninja edit: Also, once that's working, don't forget to handle the case that the player entered a valid column number, yet that column is completely filled, in which case you probably want to ask the same player to choose a new column. 忍者编辑:此外,一旦可行,别忘了处理玩家输入有效列号但该列已完全填满的情况,在这种情况下,您可能想请同一个玩家选择新列。

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