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[英]How to make wordpress visual composer attribute check box checked initially

according to visual composer knowledge base we can add attribute like根据视觉作曲家知识库,我们可以添加属性,如

vc_map( array(
    "name"          => __("Portfolio Grid", "js_composer"),
    "base"          => "abc-portfolio",
    "description"   => __("Display masonry portfolio grid", "js_composer"),
    "class"         => "abc-portfolio-section",
    "category"      => __("abc Component", "js_composer"),
    "params"        => array( 
            "type"          => "checkbox",
            "admin_label"   => true,
            "weight"        => 10,
            "heading"       => __( "Make featured", "js_composer" ),
            "description"   => __("description", "js_composer"),
            "value"         => array('key'   => 'value' ),
            "param_name"    => "abc_param"
) );

Here we get a check-box but how can I make this check-box checked initially ?在这里,我们得到一个复选框,但我怎样才能使这个复选框最初被选中?

thanks in advance.提前致谢。

Check the Custom checkbox attribute .选中自定义复选框属性

Actually, configuration is possible by array key:实际上,可以通过数组键进行配置:

'std' => '', // default unchecked

So you can play with this attribute std with values true/false/'yes'.. and you will see how it changes.因此,您可以使用值为true/false/'yes'..此属性std ,您将看到它true/false/'yes'..如何变化的。

In your case:在你的情况下:

"value" => array('key' => 'value' ),

So if 'std'=>'value' your checkbox will be checked.因此,如果'std'=>'value'您的复选框将被选中。

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