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[英]focusout on a input form and div

I'm trying to make a dropdown suggestion box. 我正在尝试制作下拉建议框。 In that case I wish to hide the box whenever the input field AND dropdown box is no longer in focus. 在这种情况下,只要输入字段AND下拉框不再处于焦点位置,我就希望隐藏该框。

This is my HTML code: 这是我的HTML代码:

<input type="text" id="user_address">
<div id="user_address_sg">SUGGESTION</div>

<div id="another element">Pressing another element on the page should hide the suggestion box</div>

I have tried the following: 我尝试了以下方法:

$('[id=user_address][id=user_address_sg]').focusout(function (){

How come the user_address_sg doesn't hide whenever I select another input field or other elements on the page? 每当我选择页面上的另一个输入字段或其他元素时, user_address_sg不会隐藏?

Images (1st: When I write a name, 2nd: When I select another form while suggestions appear) 图片(第一个:当我写名字时;第二个:当我在显示建议时选择另一种形式)

First image: suggestion box should be displayed and clickable 第一张图片:建议框应显示并单击


Second image: When doing this the suggestion box should disappear 第二张图片:执行此操作时,建议框应消失


UPDATED: CSS alternative: 更新: CSS替代:

 function suggest(key) { document.getElementById('user_address').value = document.getElementById(key).innerHTML; } 
 #user_address_sg { vertical-align: top; text-decoration: none; display: none; color:black; } #user_address_sg:focus, #user_address_sg:active { display: inline-block; color:black; } #user_address:focus ~ #user_address_sg { display: inline-block; } 
 <input type="text" id="user_address"> <a href=# id="user_address_sg"> <span id=a1 onClick="suggest('a1')">SUGGESTION 1</span><br> <span id=a2 onClick="suggest('a2')">SUGGESTION 2</span><br> <span id=a3 onClick="suggest('a3')">SUGGESTION 3</span><br> <span id=a4 onClick="suggest('a4')">SUGGESTION 4</span> </a> 

You may need blur and separate the selectors with commas, because one single element with two different ids doesn't exist, but two different elements with different ids yes. 您可能需要blur并用逗号分隔选择器,因为不存在具有两个不同ID的单个元素,但是两个具有不同ID的不同元素是。 So separate them: 因此,将它们分开:

$('[id=user_address],[id=user_address_sg]').blur(function (){

Better with on() method 使用on()方法更好

$('[id=user_address],[id=user_address_sg]').on('blur', function (){

blur event will fire when a focused element loses the focus. 当聚焦的元素失去焦点时, blur事件将触发。 So I think that's what you need. 所以我认为这就是您所需要的。

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