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[英]Firebase encryption at rest

I really enjoy using Firebase, and I would like to use it in a new app, but the app would have the user upload sensitive information. 我真的很喜欢使用Firebase,并且想在新的应用程序中使用它,但是该应用程序会让用户上传敏感信息。

I know Firebase uses https, but looking around, it seems Firebase does not yet make encryption at rest available. 我知道Firebase使用https,但是环顾四周,似乎Firebase尚未提供静态加密。

Is there a way around this to use Firebase and still make an administrator unable to read the data from the Firebase Forge, for instance? 例如,是否有办法解决此问题以使用Firebase,并使管理员仍然无法从Firebase Forge读取数据?

Thank you. 谢谢。

If you encrypt all data that you store in Firebase with a key that is only known to the client, it will not be readable by anyone but that client. 如果您使用客户端仅知道的密钥来加密存储在Firebase中的所有数据,则该客户端将无法读取该数据。

Update (20160528): As of a few months ago all data for the Firebase Database is also encrypt ed at rest. 更新 (20160528): 截至几个月前,Firebase数据库的所有数据也在静态加密

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